Benefits and Values of No-follow links

Google Bot

Backlink Is necessary for getting higher page rank over the net. If your blog get high quality backlinks then you are going to have good page rank. In terms of Google�s language a backlink is a vote for a site, which means if your blog has got good number of backlink then Google count it as good number of vote. Consequently Google provide higher page rank on that site. But first we should know details about

Backlink. Generally there are 2 types of backlinks such as-
  • 1. Do-follow backlink
  • 2. No-follow backlink

1. Do-follow backlinks

Do-follow means that your search spiders follow a specific link. It has true SEO value and it will share "link juice". Link juice means if you have got a backlink from a site and that site got higher rank then your site also get some link juice from that site. As a result your site will get more value and credibility in the eyes of search engine. And do-follow backlinks should obtain naturally.

SEO value of nofollow link

2. No-follow backlink

No-follow means search spiders will not follow a link even you have got a backlink from other site. In 2005 Google introduced the rel="nofollow" tag for fight against spammy blog. Later blogger using this tag for stop sharing link juice. So when your blog will get a no-follow backlink then it won�t contribute or affect in your page rank. In addition no-follow link doesn't pass link juice to any site.

Recently Google is paying attention on links from social media site. But do you think all social media site providing do-follow backlinks? There are 2 giant social media site Facebook and Twitter where we can get backlink by creating a page for our website. But both of them providing no-follow link. But Google will give extra attention on those no-follow backlinks in page rank updates.

Benefits and Values of No-follow links

Blogger think no-follow link has no benefits and value. But it has some value that can bring benefits for your blog or website. So I am going to explain about key benefits of no-follow backlink.


Referring website traffic

No-follow links plays a vital role for divert traffic. Because it works as referral. When you get a links from a site then the visitors of that site will divert into your site. Consequently you can present your work to a large audience. As a result your site�s traffic and page view will increase rapidly. To reach to the variety of audience you must build link even it is no-follow.

Lead conversions

This is so simple that you are attracting audience by no-follow link so that new traffic can increase the chances for converting more leads. It is necessary to increase website conversion rate for online business success. As a result your business will grow rapidly.

Supplementary inbound links

If you get more inbound links which has indirect SEO benefits and additional value of these links offer connectivity with wide range of sites. So your site will familiar swiftly. On the other hand you would get good page rank. Taking a look at the Google PageRank algorithm, which is given by

PR(A) = (1-d) + d (PR(T1)/C(T1) + ... + PR(Tn)/C(Tn))

one may assume that an additional inbound link from page X increases the PageRank of page A by

d � PR(X) / C(X)

where PR(X) is the PageRank of page X and C(X) is the total number of its outbound links.

The anchor text

Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. Googlebot scan anchor text according to relevancy of the page you're linking to, rather than common text. Anchor text has a good value for SEO. The anchor text will adds value, but it is minimal relative to follow links. Though it don't pass authority however. You need a healthy mix of do-follow and no-follow links.

What Matt Cutts think about no-follow backlink?

Google spam sheriff Matt Cutts has stated that Google Search Engine takes "nofollow" factually and it does not "follow" the link at all. But a study on link building reveal that Google does follow the link, but it does not index the linked-to page. This is an important piece of the equation that should be noted that if you go in Google Webmaster tools then you would see all do-follow and no-follow link has indexed. So if Google doesn't index or follow a no-follow link then why those no-follow links appear in webmaster tool? This is a big question.

In conclusion, from my point of view every blog or website require link diversity. Suppose your site has all do-follow or no-follow link then Google Penguin will think that all those are unnatural which will lead to a bad impact on your site SEO and page ranking. So your site should have combination of do-follow and no-follow link that will boost up your SEO value and page rank. And link from no-follow site you should not avoid it you should go and get it.

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