Snake xenzia is the best game among all Nokia mobile games but most people face problems when the snake gets too large and they can't handle it. In result,they failed to achieve high score and become a snake master.
After reading this trick, I hope you will never feel any difficulty to achieve high score.
Follow the steps below to become a snake master:
After the stage is finished, you will find the snake again in maze box but your score is still increasing while snake remain small in every stage.Now you have to do is to pause the game and repeat these steps again and again.
After reading this trick, I hope you will never feel any difficulty to achieve high score.
Follow the steps below to become a snake master:
Game type (Campaign):
Firstly, open the game menu and run snake xenzia.Select your speed level because when you start building your score you can't change your speed level.After that go to game type option and select campaign as game type.New game:
Start a new game, you will find that your snake is running in maze box and also a progress bar is running at the bottom.Pause:
Now pause the game and again go to game-type option and again select campaign.Quit:
Quit the game by pressing the red call end button or by pressing back key.Start game:
Go to game menu and run snake xenzia, don't click on new game, choose continue. You will find that the maze box is gone and your snake is running freely like in classic game mode, but you will notice that the progress bar is at bottom.Now you have to do is to complete that progress bar by eating balls and after that you will find that your snake still small after eating balls.After the stage is finished, you will find the snake again in maze box but your score is still increasing while snake remain small in every stage.Now you have to do is to pause the game and repeat these steps again and again.