Every blogger and website owner wants to improve his website�s ranking on search engines. When you are earning from your blog or website running a online business then it is crucial that your site can be easily found on search engines searches, just as a blogger try to get a highest position or rank on search engine to earn more or become successful.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the most powerful method to improve your blog or website ranking on search engines.
Below are some helpful tips in steps which helps your site to get a good rank on search engines.


Keywords and phrases is the heart of your post or pages. Choose best and unique keywords, always do your research before giving or making your keywords. Once you found the keywords that is mostly used, concentrate on it and include this phrase and keyword in your content Title, Description and search description(for bloggers). Use Google Adwords Keyword Tool & Yahoo�s Oventure Keyword Assistant to generate free keywords.

Unique Content & Title:

Hope you ever heard the phrase �Content is King�. Write your content by yourself, don�t copy it from other websites or blogs. Explain everything in detail about your product and information. Use hyperlinks in content because it�s a good SEO. See your competitors post before writing & publishing your own. Use some good keywords and phrases that are mostly used. Give a suitable title related to your post content. Good quality content doesn�t means high quality and perfect grammar and spellings, it means to make your content informative as well as possible.

Update Content of your Website:

Try to up-date your website or blog content because it�s a good SEO habit and also people likes up-to-date information, search engines also deliver that post and content, which is best, up-to-date and informative and also having good keywords and phrases.

Study your Website Statistics:

Use Google Analytics Tools to find how your site is performing and to find which site bring and send traffic toward your website and blog and also check popular posts and keyword.
Use Google Webmasters tools to track how�s your site listing on search engines and is also helps you to be informed about any error on your site and blog. Use Google webmasters tools to submit sitemap to google and provides you to analyze how google is seeing your sitemap, you can also submit multiple sitemap for faster indexing.

Use Social Media:

Now a days Social Media also plays an important role for driving traffic to your sites. Social Media extends widely across the world, that�s why you can get more traffic by sharing your article, links, product information�s. I don�t recommend you to use all social media sites but recommend you to use top 3 social media sites as listed below:
Google Plus


Hyperlinks is also a good part of SEO and its keeps your visitors for longer on your site. Hyperlink I a type of back link hidden in your keywords or phrases that takes the visitors to next page, for example; you give hyperlink to �How to Make a new blog�, when someone click on it, it will takes it to � How to Make a ne blog� page.

Engaging Visitors:

When a visitor come to your site or search your site and he found something he is looking for, he also get informative content, then its good for your site because you provides him good quality and informative content which he is looking for that�s way a visitor engage with your content and comes again.

Website Designing:

Make a unique, good quality website design which impress visitor by using eye-catching colors and images. Don�t make your website heavy and slow loading because heavy and slow loading websites are considered to be bad because a visitor can�t wait much for its opening and he goes back. Give a decent and good looking design to your website or blog, that attract your visitors to get engaged to your site. Make your site navigation simple and clear as well as possible.
Good quality website design is also a important part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).


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