Show Star Rating Review In Google Search Results - Rich Snippet

Learn how to show star rating reviews for each link in Google search results page for better SEO. You were looking for enabling rich snippets for reviews and ratings and that is why you have reached this page. This enables Google search architecture to then display the star rating for each of your website pages in SERP. When the Google search architecture finds valid reviews or ratings markup on your pages then it shows a rich snippet that includes stars and your summery of that page in SERP. Lots of blogger are eager to know about this blogging tip. These star rating reviews are also a part of best search output used by Google wanting to show rich results for its every user. For WordPress there are special WordPress Plugin that will help you to show rich snippet star rating review ratings in the Google search results. And for blogger you need to add following Schema markup in your HTML. Learn how to show star rating review [Rich Snippet].

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Rich Snippet

The user's decision of clicking the link observed in search page is mostly depends on these star ratings. Everybody want best content when they are on something to search. So how we suggest them that we have best content for them? Its simple; follow this post and you are on boost.

Show Star Rating Review In Google Search Results

  1. Search for the code:
    <div class='post-footer'>
  2. You will find it twice in your HTML, go for second code.
  3. Paste the following code below it;
    <!-- Review Star Rating In Google Search Results -->
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
    <div><div itemscope='' itemtype=''>
    <div style='display:none;'>
    Item Reviewed: <span itemprop='itemreviewed'><data:post.title/></span>
    Description: <span itemprop='description'><data:blog.metaDescription/></span>
    Rating: <span itemprop='rating'>5</span>
    Reviewed By: <span itemprop='reviewer'><></span>
    <!-- Review Star Rating In Google Search Results -->
  4. Save template.
  5. Test results on rich snippet tool.


I have seen lots of coder who suggest some HTML markup in direct blog post. But its not necessary rather its time consuming process. After lots of investigation and trial-&-error method this trick is came to front. Once you installed you will get its results in snippet tool and surely you won't get any difficulty in it.