If you are a new blogger then create a new blog, and if you have a blog then follow these steps to add widgets to you blog :

  • Log in to your blogger account using your gmail id. After logging in, click on blog or go to the blogger home dashboard and click on that blog in which you want to add gadget.
  • Click on the layout from left buttons on the blogger dashboard. After that click on add a Gadget.
  • After clicking on add a gadget,a blogger pop-up window will appear with listing all the gadget belongs to blogger.The blogger widget is also categorized and you can browse it through different categories.

  • After choosing the widget or gadget you can add it to blogger by clicking on blue plus sign.

  • After adding the widget or gadget to your blog you can save it by clicking on "Save" button at the bottom of pop-up window.You can also click or drag it to where you want it to shown on your blog. 

Hope you like this tip. 

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