Webmasters spend lots of time on computer and working hard for creating readers informative related articles for their subscribers or to attract new visitors online. But, at the same time few blog authors don�t much do work hard, they always tries to copy other popular website content and paste it on their blog instead of their innovative posts. You really might have thinked about 'How to stop content Theft' with simple methods. This type of stealing content without any credit link practice continues until there is no special threaten given to them. Here in this tutorial a unique solution stops your post or article stealing. Webmasters don�t need work hard for adding scripts or any type of subscription for stopping content thefts, this process totally works on CSS3 script. To prevent users to steal content just copy the below CSS code in your template, this will really helps you better. Let�s begin tutorial for adding CSS script code to blogger.
Step One
Sign into your blogger account
Select on �Template� link tab
Click on �Edit HTML� (Before you do implement this trick on your template, just backup template if any thing goes wrong you can reuse it again)
Search for code
Step Two
After finding code copy the below code and paste above to it
.post-body {
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
-khtml-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: -moz-none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
} - See more at: http://www.blogtariff.com/
Now Save your template
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