Hi frnds it become trend that Everyday large number of new websites and blogs opens. Every website wants to be top in ranking. Now days Google is in 1st rank, while Face book is on 2nd rank. Start implementing Alexa techniques, which is an easy tool to raises your website or blog�s position in a small time period for that it is needed to know some basic knowledge about it. This article will guide you 5 Ways to Increase Alexa Ranking.
What is Alexa Rank?
Alexa.com defines themself as a "web information company".They rank every website and blog based on their traffic and some other factors.This Alexa Rank gets updated daily.Lesser the number better.
5 Ways to Increase Alexa Ranking:
What is Alexa Rank?
Alexa.com defines themself as a "web information company".They rank every website and blog based on their traffic and some other factors.This Alexa Rank gets updated daily.Lesser the number better.
5 Ways to Increase Alexa Ranking:
1.Install Alexa Toolbar and kit to browser.
It is important to install Alexa Toolbar & Kit on your Blog or website. Alexa rank is getting calculated on the source of the information gathered by the Alexa toolbar. It is necessary to Alexa toolbar on your computers in your working area so that webmaster of your blog can work on improvement of Alexa rank of your website.
2.Install Alexa Widget
As I already said Alexa counts only those hits which comes under their system.So put an Alexa widget on your blog.
3.Write unique content on your blog
As I always say Unique, valuable and Quality Content helps to increase Search Engine traffic. If you write quality posts then others will automatically link back to you and thereby increasing backlinks and traffic as well which increases your alexa rank. .You can also share your article with your Friends. As search engine traffic is high, Alexa ranking of your website will be better.
4.Write a review about Alexa on your blog
If you write quality posts then others will automatically link back to you and thereby increasing backlinks and traffic as well which increases your alexa rank.
3.How to Add Scrolling Recent Posts Widget For Blogger?
It is important to install Alexa Toolbar & Kit on your Blog or website. Alexa rank is getting calculated on the source of the information gathered by the Alexa toolbar. It is necessary to Alexa toolbar on your computers in your working area so that webmaster of your blog can work on improvement of Alexa rank of your website.
2.Install Alexa Widget
As I already said Alexa counts only those hits which comes under their system.So put an Alexa widget on your blog.
3.Write unique content on your blog
As I always say Unique, valuable and Quality Content helps to increase Search Engine traffic. If you write quality posts then others will automatically link back to you and thereby increasing backlinks and traffic as well which increases your alexa rank. .You can also share your article with your Friends. As search engine traffic is high, Alexa ranking of your website will be better.
4.Write a review about Alexa on your blog
If you write quality posts then others will automatically link back to you and thereby increasing backlinks and traffic as well which increases your alexa rank.
5.Share your posts on Social Networking sites:
Share your posts on social networks like Facebook,Stumble upon and Digg.These sites not only brings massive traffic but also helps in increasing your Alexa Rank.
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