Google AdSense Introduces Scorecard For Understanding Your Site's Performance

Google AdSense introduces a new benchmarking feature i.e AdSense Scorecard.Actually the Scorecard can be easily found on the home page of the AdSense.The Question is What Scorecard Do?Scorecard provides with the summary and of your site performance i.e How well your ad setting is?And How well is your Content resulting to other AdSense Publishers?The Scorecard is divided into different categories such as site health,revenue Optimization.Each category performance is denoted by small five dots.

How To Use AdSense Score Card ?

Its not Ruling the World by One,it is very easy to use this Score Card.Actually there are different signs which will show you the different errors or good performance of your site's content,One by One they are explained below.

  • Green: Excellent.This sign will indicate that your site is doing well and fantastic,you don't need to change any thing.
  • Yellow: Satisfactory.This sign will tell you to improve your site content or pages or something else performance.
  • Red: Needs improvement. Red sign will purely indicate to make changes in it and fix the mentioned errors
Whenever Scorecard suggest you something impressive immediately take an action to solve the specific error.
So What's Up:- Scorecard is a tool which will give you greater insights into how your site is performing?It will surely maximize your Online business,stay Blessed,Happy Blogging!