Embed Youtube Videos into Blogger Post Tips and Tricks

embed youtube videos
A post without images becomes nasty and boring to read for readers. Adding an topic related image into blog post makes it interesting and nifty. An image is better than thousand of words if it is optimized properly. You should know how to optimize images before adding them into your post. It will enhance user's reading experience and also increase your blog traffic. You may already know the benefits of adding images into post but do you ever think about adding video into your blog posts? Videos add extra fun into your boring posts. It is the best way to explain such topics which are difficult to explain by only words. Users feel easy to understand it if there is a video tutorial in the blog post. If you are running any video blog then you must need to add videos into your blog post. So, today I will tell you the easiest way to embed Youtube videos into your blog post. Let's play the fun.

Embed Youtube Videos

  1. Go to www.youtube.com

  2. Search for the video you want to embed into your post.

  3. Now below that video you will find some options. Click on Share tab as shown in below screenshot.

  4. youtube video
  5. Now click on Embed tab and copy the entire code.

embed video

  • You can change video frame size according to your need. You can also use custom size which you want.
  • Unchecked all 4 check boxes.
  1. Now paste that copied code into your blog post's HTML view.

  2. You are done!
Now you have successfully embedded youtube video into your blogger blog post. You can also use this code in your blog sidebar widget to add video in sidebar.

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