SEO vs. Social Media: Which Is Best for Your Marketing?

Both SEO and social media are powerful marketing tools, but sometimes prioritizing marketing time on one or the other is a challenge -- especially in a crunch. 
seo vs social coverFor example, 44% of online shoppers begin their branded product research by using a search engine, but social media usage has increased by 356% in six years. So which might have a bigger impact for you?
This ebook will dive into the pros and cons for using either SEO or social media for your business so you can decide which you should use and when.
In this ebook, you'll learn:
  • The strengths and weaknesses of SEO and social media
  • Where SEO and social media complement one another
  • How to decide which will deliver your business better results -- SEO or social media 
Remember -- no matter which you prioritize for your company, there's a time for both SEO and social media, and an opportunity for them to work together, too.