What is SEO and why do you need it in the online article publishing world? The answer to these questions can easily be found in the following 25 search engine optimization (SEO) quotes written by SEO experts. Read how SEO experts describe search engine optimization, and you may find these quotations extremely helpful in understanding what SEO is and in implementing your own SEO strategy.
SEO QUOTES # 1 - 5
SEO quote #1: ajmalseotips.blogspot.com
- �One thing is certain; doing nothing except producing reams of content is no longer an option. Good website structure and design is a learned process and understanding search engines and how they rank sites is part of that process. The message is simple, optimize or die.� (David George)
SEO quote #2:
- �Search Engine Optimization is a three cornered fight. You are up against the search engines (although it is better to think of it as a partnership) and their rocket scientists who are continually tweaking algorithms and dreaming up new ways of ranking pages and you are in competition with other websites that are targeting the same or overlapping keywords.� (David George)
SEO quote #3:
- �Some of these sites are content poor; a user is sucked in like a spider down a plug-hole with the sole objective of attracting the maximum number of eyeballs to the page.� (David George)
SEO quote #4:
- �Lack of planning is the most common denominator for SEO failure among hundreds of people (�) Planning holds two distinctions. First, it is the single most important step in making a long-term positive change. Second, it is the most overlooked step in just about any process.� (Michael Small)
SEO quote #5:
- �If you plan on converting your visitors to paying customers, you should try to keep a balance between user-friendliness and keyword optimization.� (Michael Small)
What is SEO? Quotes # 6- 12
SEO quote #6:
- �The fact is that for many people, the word Google is synonymous with the term search engine. Google is even commonly used as a verb �I�ll Google it.��(John I. Jerkovic)
SEO quote #7:
- �SEO is not rocket science (or anywhere close to it). But it certainly can get as technical and detailed as you want to make it.� (John I. Jerkovic)
SEO quote #8:
- �SEO gets the visitor to the door. It�s up to your site�s content to welcome and retain that visitor.� (John I. Jerkovic)
SEO quote #9:
- �SEO fosters the natural, long-term growth of a website, and once you achieve its benefits, there is usually a ripple effect where you�ll be getting traffic from sources other than search engines by means of other websites linking to yours. If you have the content or product that people want to see, it is only natural to attract inbound links.� (John I. Jerkovic)
SEO quote #10:
- �Use the Google keyword suggestion tool (�) There�s no sense in optimizing for a particular keyword if no one is using it when searching online.� (Michael H. Fleischner)
SEO quote #11:
- �The entire philosophy of the search engine giant has been to �Index the world�s information.�� (David Amerland)
SEO quote #12:
- �Not all traffic is profitable, and sometimes, for certain keywords, the traffic that is obtained just refuses to be converted. � (Article Marketing Secrets, www.SendButtonProfits.com)
SEO quotes # 13 - 20
SEO quote #13:
- �There are hundreds of factors that help engines decide how to rank a page. And, in general, those hundreds of factors can be broken into two categories: relevance and popularity (or �authority�).� (Danny Dover & Erik Dafforn)
SEO quote #14:
- �As with anything in the technology-related industry, one must constantly learn and research to keep apprised of the latest news and trends. How exhausting!Fortunately, there are fundamental truths with regard to search engine optimization that are both easy to understand and probably won�t change in time significantly � so a solid foundation that you build now will likely stand the test of time.� (Jaimie Sirovich & Cristian Darie)
SEO quote #15:
- �It never hurts to be #1 in the natural search results.� (Eric Enge et al.)
SEO quote #16:
- �A page can have a high PageRank if there are many pages that point to it, or if there are some pages that point to it which have a high Pagerank. Intuitively, pages that are well cited from many places around the web are worth looking at.� (Arun K. Pujari)
SEO quote #17:
- "As with most links you want to attract, you want to attract media links naturally. You want links to come to you on their own because people find and enjoy the media you put out there and think your site is a relevant and entertaining place that they would recommend to other users to check out�Give the people out there something of value.� (Bruce Clay & Susan Esparza)
SEO quote #18:
- �Spiders, robots, and crawlers are your friends. In the name of search engine optimization, you�ll not only learn to love them, but also you�ll actually go out of your way to attract them.� (Rebecca Lieb)
SEO quote #19:
- �SEO is an ongoing project, not set-it-and-forget-it.� (Rebecca Lieb)
SEO quote #20:
- �Build links too quickly and you�ll be penalized or perhaps achieve top rankings for only a short while. Build links too slowly and your competition may always outrank you.� (Michael H. Fleischner)
What is SEO? Explained in quotes # 21 - 25
SEO quote #21:
- �Web analytics is a thermometer for your website � constantly checking and monitoring your online health. As a methodology, it is the study of online experience in order to improve it; without it, you are flying blind�Understanding how Google Analytics data collection works is a great way to recognize what you can achieve with web analytics reporting.� (Brian Clifton)
SEO quote #22:
- �Link building is the hard part of SEO. Links are a challenge to build, they take time or money, and the link economy of the web is complex. However, there are a handful of link building guidelines that simplify this complex system into an understandable ecosystem.� (Rob Walling)
SEO quote #23:
- �Online writers have to recognize they�re in a different world. Print journalists can be reluctant to adapt to writing for the Internet, feeling that it lacks the kudos of serious journalism, or that online journals sap some of the writer�s authority. But online editors have begun to recognize that better words bring more hits.� (Brendan Hennessy)
SEO quote #24:
- �PageRank is one of those mysteries that may never be completely unraveled. Volumes have been written about it, but probably the only two people in the world who understand it completely are Larry Page and Sergey Brin. That�s because it was their brainchild.� (Jerri L. Ledford)
More SEO quotes:
- SEO quotes: A Collection of Search Engine Optimization Quotes from SEO experts
A Collection of search engine optimization quotes from SEO experts- Metaphors, sayings, quotes and aphorisms describe search engine optimization to the core.
SEO quote #25:
- �Spiders, robots, crawlers, or whatever else you choose to call them can determine how well you rank in search engines, so it�s best to make friends with them as quickly as possible (�) That�s what makes it so important for you to understand (�) about what makes them happy and what makes them move on without looking back.�