Classifieds: Associates Publish Your Kid Care Opening

Categorized Ad Publishing Directions
1.  Finish the Account Confirmation Type situated below.  This is needed each time you get into the FCCI Classified listingsto publish.  If you are posting an ad in more than one catagory, you need only publish the application once.   When you come back at a later time frame to publish a new ad, please publish a new membership verification for your new posts.

2. Make your marketing.  Examine your spelling!  Your childcare prices may not be published, please talk about prices independently with your customers.  FCCI will eliminate any ad that has unsuitable material.

3. Type in the free ad site situated at the end of the site. Select the classification in which to publish your ad. Only one ad in each classification is permitted.  The ad will be published for 30 days unless you demand the elimination.

Classified Ad Categories
A. Baby and Kid (6weeks- 24 months) Openings
B. Preschool-Kindergarten (2 years-Kindergarten) Openings
C. University Age Openings
D. Company Services: Sub Appropriate care, Help Desired, Training, Products for Selling, Garage area Product sales, Products to buy

4. Select Post from the board at the top of the display, and the asked for information.

Web web page address: Keep empty if you do not have a website
Email: Keep empty if you do not have an email
Image URL:  Keep blank
Title of Ad:  Name your ad.  This will appear in the red headline bar at the top of your ad
Category:  Use the fall down box to pick your classification.  The standard is Several Age
Password:  Make a security password you will keep in mind and write it down!  If you select to modify your ad, you will need the security password.
Ad Details:  Type in your marketing.  Make sure to consist of your name (first name if your prefer) and get in touch with information.  Examine your punctuation and use proper English!  

5. Select Perspective to see how your ad will appear on the Internet

6. Select the Post Key to put your ad onto the

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