Why should you create a Google email account?

Giant online search engine Google launching and introducing useful products to their users who are having Google account i.e email account for free of services.

There are lots of ways for creating word, excel, power point files online through free services offered by various websites with shareware, premium, subscribed based services. But, Google services draw attention of online users for discussing about significant products linked with Google account by thrashing other website service offers.

�Google Drive� from Google products offers free storage space for their account users to store important office files in other way you can say online computer or Office Files Desk.
By using Google Docs users can easily create documents, spreadsheets, powerpoint for presentations, Forms, Drawings, embedding links files for websites, all these can be avail by creating a simple Google Account or Google ID.
After creating Google ID users can easily access Docs, Cloud storage options available on Google Drive for Free. You can edit files from your inbox directly by simple switching option from product service to another without any hardwork through Home page menu box.
Google account holders can download their stored files from anywhere by simple loging into GoogleDrive
Free Download Apps from your Mobile
The users having Android version OS support Smartphones or Tablets or iPhones can easily Download Apps by using Google account for Free from Google Play.
Apple users can download itunes by using Google account.
Google ID users can create website for sharing their views online through Blogspot.com or Blogger.com
After creating Website online by using blogger services users can Earn Online via Google Adsense by following Google Content Policies.
Converting or Translating of various languages one to another available on Google Translate
Users who wish to upload videos online can to share with others and get popularity can avail Google�s Youtube.com with Google ID.

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