You can measure the success of your strategy by growth of visitor of your website. The goal of a social media page is to get a follower to click over to your main website to learn more. You could monitor this progress by using Google analytics as social page shouldn�t be treated as a final destination. You need to check that Content that is shared in social media should include calls to action that encourage people to visit your website. So you need to keep a tab on the number of people that visit your website as your social media presence grows, this number should also grow along with it.
Moreover you should also check for the number of new followers which are the most hardest to get as a marketing challenge it is practically impossible to get maximum number of �Likes� or �Follow� on your page. Without social followers, it�s hard for your social accounts to really make a difference and the next difficult thing is that you want the right kind of social followers as it is pointless to buy followers that could care less about what you have to say. So it is important to give target audience members a reason to follow you. This could be done by sharing great content that will keep people interested.
For effective marketing all that you need to do is to keep your audience engaged as this a sign as to whether your social media strategy is working. If people are actually taking the time to take some sort of action on your page. So thing like comments, likes and sharing shows that people enjoy the content that you upload. Over time, follower count grows you should also see an improvement in engagement levels. Not every follower is going to be actively engaged. In order to keep engagement levels up, be sure to use social media properly and interact with followers, be sure to respond or thank them for sharing this kind of response that will keep the relationship positive.