SEO Houston / Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) in Houston, Texas, has become a critical part of growing companies using Internet technologies. Marketing your company on the Internet has become an increasing and competitive part of online promotion.

Why do I need Search Engine Optimization?
Exposure = Sales = Revenues = Growth

Look at your web site as being your best salesperson. Imagine your salesperson coming into the office, you've spent 1000's of dollars training them, they look good, smell good and are fully trained to sell your product. They come into the office, make no phone calls, never leave the office or meet anyone new. Welcome to a web site with no SEO Houston or Web Marketing.
Does this scenario sound familiar?
  • You build your first web site for minimal cost.
  • Your web site goes live and everyone at the office is excited about having a new web site
  • Eventually the excitement wears off and everyone asks: What is the purpose of our web site? Where are the calls?
  • You start hearing about people making money with their web site.
  • You hear of "Search Engine Optimization" and realize your site needs more work.
Suddenly the clouds open up!
  • You find out that Magnetiks Search Marketing provides Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and SEO in Houston, Texas. 
  • We evaluate the company web site built by either a computer program or a graphic designer.
  • The evaluation shows a web site that can never be found by a search engine's spiders because of "dirty coding", poor content, and only five pages on the site.
  • We (a SEO Company in Houston) propose linking you up with an online sales person that starts with a strategy which includes content, linking, "pure coding" and a site map. 
  • We explain: The best method for getting a solid Return on Investment (ROI) is smart investing.
  • A common response is that people just "Wig out". Why? Because you always get what you pay for.

    People divide into two groups.
    1. People who make money using the internet
    2. People who do not
  • What makes a perfect client? Someone who is dedicated to being an expert in their field and hiring other experts to do the things they do not do.
  • We are experts at SEO.
  • If you are serious about making money online, then click here and we will be thrilled to talk about building your business,not just a web site.
NOTE: One more thing before I go. Not everyone can be on top! Only the people who commit and make the sacrifice and investment can be. If that is you and you decide to use us, a Search Engine Marketing company, then "We will see you at the top".
What you need to know about investing into Search Engine Optimization in Houston:
  • Search engines are the dominant mechanism for almost all Internet users. 
  • Almost 90% of online shoppers begin with search engines or directories to look for products and services. 96% of searchers do not even go beyond the second page of results. 
  • Ranking highly in the search engines is more effective than most advertising because your audience is looking for you. Even right now they are searching you out. Amazing isn't it. All that business just passing right by. 
  • Search Engine Optimization is all about getting the exposure for your company by the most dependable salesman in the world.
So you want to know how effective Search Engine Marketing can be for your business?
The scale below demonstrates how companies have rated the over-all effectiveness of their marketing methods in a third party marketing survey.
The following are rated
on a scale of 1 to 5,
with 5 being the most effective.
Search Engine Positioning Services
Solicited or Opt-In Mail3.06
Offline Advertising3.01
Press Release3.00
Banner Advertising2.15
Discussion Forums2.12
Newsgroups  ajmalseotips.blogspot.com1.95
Strategic Linking1.75
Magnetiks is a professional Internet marketing and SEO company in Houston that is set apart from the competition by a deep commitment to honesty and integrity and a high level of experience.

We only engage in Search Engine Optimization techniques which have been approved by search engines.

We offer many services to increase your web traffic and build a customer base, which include: