Link analysis Tools

Check out your site�s backlink profile and compare to your competition. Search engines rank your website in large part based on your site�s inbound link profile because links are difficult to fake and represent recomendations or other sites �talking� about you � the more you are talked about the more relevant you become and thus the higher you rank.
  • Open Site Explorer is built from SEOMoz�s Linkscape data (their own web index), and is a web-based, comprehensive and easy to use tool with tons of good data points.  One thing I really like is the unique linking root domains and the quick look at a site�s anchor text profile.
  • Blekko offers a look at the web pages linking back to a site, similar to how Yahoo Linkdomain used to work
  • We have a back link checking tool that makes it easy to query Blekko to view a domain�s inbound linking pages
  • Majestic SEO has a really nice bulk backlink checking tool and offers a comprehensive set of paid link analysis tools
  • We also have an anchor text analysis tool based on  Backlinkwatch has become a little spammy with their popups but once you get passed that the data is still pretty decent to look at.

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