How to Install/Upload a New Template on Blogger Blog or Blogspot

Today we are talking about How to Upload a New Blogger Template to Blogger. Every new blogger when they make first blog they using the default blogger templates because they don�t know how to upload or install the other blogger template in their blog. I also faced the same problem when I start my blogging career. Just follow the simple steps to upload a new template to blogger blog.
Download your new blogger template from any free blogger template provider website to your computer. Lot of website are providing free blogger template. If the template is contained in a zip file, you have extracted the XML template from zip.

1. First go to
2.Login to your Blogger Dashboard.
3. Click on "Template" From The Blogger Menu
4. Now Click on "Backup / Restore" Button.
5. Now select your new blogger template file (it there as a xml file) and click on �Open�.
6. Click on �Upload�.
7. If you see a warning like following:
8. Click on �KEEP WIDGETS�.
9. Now You are done.

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