How To Schedule Pins on Pinterest?

Scheduling pins on pinterest

Pinterest is a pretty interesting visual social network that poses quite a conundrum. On the one hand, the idea of pinning and sharing images, and interacting with people over these images seems quite appealing. But on the other hand, there aren't very many marketing features employed by Pinterest, which causes some small businesses to ignore this really useful opportunity. With Facebook, you can schedule your posts, analyze your statistics, and generally spice up your posts. Sadly, no such functionality as stock from Pinterest. Luckily though, there is a tool that will help you schedule your Pins, and enhance/analyze them for more effectiveness.

Scheduling pins using Pingraphy

Pingraphy is a free tool that is designed to add an extra layer of features to Pinterest. You don't have to create a separate account to be able to use it. You can just log in with your Pinterest credentials. Enter your Pinterest username and password, and then proceed to the next step.

When you log in for the first time, you are prompted to add a Pingraphy bookmarklet to your browser. Just click on the button that says 'pingraphy' in Step 1, and then drop it into your browser bookmarks bar. This is a piece of JavaScript code that will help with the easy sharing of pictures you find on the web. This, however isn't necessary. But I did this anyway.

Next is Step 2, where you actually get to post or schedule pins. Click no the Schedule button, and you will see some more options. You can select a board to pin to, the picture to pin, and when to pin it. If you click on the schedule button, you will see options to set the time, and the time interval (in case you want to pin multiple images). If you want to pin multiple images at once, you will still have to set an interval. This interval can be as long or as short as you like.

Once scheduled, you can see your pins from your dashboard. Unfortunately, you can't change the schedule for a pin, and have to delete it and then schedule it again properly to change its time. But otherwise, it's a pretty useful tool that can help save a lot of time on Pinterest, and manage pins more effectively. Check it out for yourself, and let us know what you think. Cheers :)

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