Google, as you know is the leader when it comes to web technology. It launched its cloud storage services around two years ago, which is an infant age when compared to other closest competitors from the crowd, such as SkyDrive and DropBox. Some people might have some reservations against Google Drive, but a lost of people, especially avid Google users love it, probably because integrates so well with other Google products such as Docs etc. If you're one of these people, you might like to check out some of the top 10 Google Drive tips for more effective usage.
1. Photo sharing on Google Plus
As I just said, probably one of the best things about Google Drive is its integration with other Google products. You can use Google Drive to share photos on Google Plus. If you have some pictures on Google Drive you want to share on Google Plus, you can easily do that without uploading that photo to Google Plus. To do this, you just need to click on the photo icon on Google Plus, and hover over that little arrow. You'll see an option to upload "From Google Drive".
2. Adding attachments
While adding attachments to Gmail, you can once again rely on Google Drive to have your files ready at hand. Now, you don't need to upload and send people files through email. You can just add files from your Google Drive, and the other party can simply download that file from your public shared link.
3. Add 'Send to Drive' option to your computer
When you right click on a file on your computer (windows), you can see a 'Send To' option, which lists options like Send to Desktop, Documents, Bluetooth device, and so on. You can add Google Drive to these options as well.
To do this, simply copy your Google Drive icon (shortcut). Now, open Windows explorer, and enter the environment variable %appdata% in the path on the top bar. You can write this in the start menu as well. A window will open. Now, navigate to Microsoft >> Windows >> SendTo, and paste the Google Drive shortcut there.
4. Recover deleted files
Usually, when you delete a file from your computer (and the Recycle Bin as well), it's probably the last time you'll see it. Not with Google Drive though. You can recover your deleted files from Google Drive. Just open Google Drive on your browser, and click on the More button on the left. Now, open your Trash, and right-click on our deleted files to restore them back.

5. Add to Library
Some of you might not know this, but you can set your libraries, such as My Documents, My Music etc to fetch content from multiple locations (Windows Vista and higher). You can do the same with Google Drive. Open your Documents from the Start menu, and you�ll see a link saying �Includes: 2 locations� at the top just below the title. If you click on it, you will see what locations that library is fetching content from. To add your Google Drive content into your Documents, simple click on Add, and then browse for the Google Drive folder. Add the folder, and you�ll see all your Google Drive files and folders in your Documents library.
6. Shortcut keys
You can use some shortcut keys for Google Drive on your browser.
- Shift + A = Select All
- Shift + N = Deselect All
- Shift + S = New spreadsheet
- Shift + D = New drawing
- Shift + F = New folder
- Shift + T = New Document
- Shift + P = New Presentation
- Ctrl + Alt+ G = Revision history for a file
- Up/Down arrow key = Select previous/next item in list
- Shift + Up/Down arrow key = Select multiple previous/next items in list
- J or K = Go to previous or next item in list without selecting it
- X = Select/deselect currently highlighted item
- S = Stat/de-star currently highlighted item
7. File revisions
As mentioned above, you can see a file's revision history (Ctrl + Alt + G). You can restore previous versions of your files you made changes to, such as documents. Simply click on More on the left side, and click on activity. Now, you'll see a list of all the files you made edits to. Right-click on any one, and click on Manage Revisions. Now, you can restore any previous versions stored.
8. Editing Videos
Pixorial Video is a great plug-in for Google Chrome. It allows you to view your Google Drive videos online. And in Google Drive, it will also let you do small bits of video editing, such as cutting clips, adding clips, add music, and so on.
9. Google Drive app for Chrome
While we're on the subject of Chrome extensions, there are a lot of other Chrome extensions that work great with Google Drive. Check out this app collection for find apps that you like.
10. Tags
Previously, in Google Docs, you could tag a file with more than one tag so it could be in multiple collections at the same time. You can do that in Google Drive. Create separate folders for each tag you want to make. Now, select a file, and click on Organize. Hold down Ctrl, and select all the folders you want that file to appear in. This way, you can have one file in multiple folders at the same time.
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