At last 2013 greeted us with a complete new transformation. MBT is now wearing a new dress, certainly version 2.0 of its theme transformation. The blue and black layout has been replaced with a far better solid structure, colored in green and grayish black. With Google's great emphasis on a better core HTML structure and fast loading content, we had to make some serious changes to the template by replacing every single bit of the old user interface with something more favorable and interesting.The template is a result of one week of continuous Graphic and Coding exercise. In order to add further fun to this new MBT environment and especially to better promote our idea of a blog kitchen and its delicious recipes, I spared few more working hours in giving birth to an extremely helpful partner, called "Chef LoOny" :)
Who exactly LoOny is?
The name 'LoOny' is inspired from a nick name of one of my bestest friends ever. For some reasons life takes new cycles unwillingly but to preserve that person forever in my life, I am terming this promotional character of STC Network as LoOny as an honor to that friend for as long as blogging goes on.
LoOny will appear next to our blog logo in every advertisement be that a street marketing campaign or an online one. Our future presentations and workshops will be conducted under the title of LoOny. We have adopted this strategy in order to turn the traditional way of transferring Online Business Ideas to general public in a more interactive and innovative style.
Chef LoOny will be responsible for answering readers' queries and solving their problems on our 24/7 free Help and Consultancy forums (i.e. Our Kitchens). In short he is your new blogging counselor!
Posts covering each recipe of a particular Kitchen will be published one after another this week. A lot of fun is coming buddies, make sure you don't miss this free golden opportunity of turning your blogging dream into a real lucrative income.
The Change?
To give you an idea of the differences between the old and new layout, I am presenting two screenshots. In order to discover what changes have we made, please take a tour of the new design to investigate it yourself.
Previous Design: v1.0
I will surely release v1.0 of MBT design and make it available for free download. Its structure is as strongly coded as that of Salahuddin's
New Design: v2.0
This image speaks enough! :)
What about some Freebies?
We love serving our readers with new and more exciting freebies. To make this exciting news more worthwhile, I am sharing two free Desktop wallpapers of Chef LoOny that you may put on your walls to keep yourselves blogHolic day and night! =p
Chef LoOny as a Super Star!
1600X900, PNG
Chef LoOny as a Professor!
1600X900, JPEG
The Vector Character above is a part of our premier service we introduced last week. You may not use the image for commercial or reselling purposes. All rights for the Blog Style Sheets, Scripts and Vector Images are strictly reserved by STC Network
Failure to comply will result in a forced action by DMCA and Google Blogger.
Your views?
I tried my best to transform the blog in a shape that may prove to be a peaceful place for you all to browse and learn without getting eye burns. Colors and font sizes are chosen keeping in mind an age group of 13-50. We could not further enhanced the post width and font size due to web standards. Some pages like the contact us page and HTML editor still needs an update. We will update them very soon. Please mention any design conflict issues you may experience and do not forget to tell us if this new dress lives up to your expectation!
I just hope this little blog serves its purpose of serving the community in the most interesting way possible. I will be replying all your queries by tomorrow and I hope with the introduction of kitchens, you can then expect a reply within 24 hours. Chef loOny wont disappoint you. I promise! :)