Add Facebook Activity Feed Plugin To Blogger

facebook activity feed for blogger

Aren't all BlogSpot blogs still missing this extra ordinary traffic boosting plugin? We just added Facebook activity feed plugin to our sidebar because nothing plays well in increasing a website's pageviews then Facebook's massive number of over 1 Billion registered users. This plugin displays posts and also recommends new stories which are liked by your visitor's friends. Thus it builds social engagement and attracts readers to dig into your website more to find out what their friends liked. If you are using Facebook recommendations bar in your sites then you will be pleased to know that this plugin also displays recommendations along with recent likes based on social activity made on your pages. Indeed a must to-add-widget from us to all of you who have not yet utilized this widget!

Lets add it to your blogger blogs in just few simple steps. The demo can be seen on our sidebar under the title "Hottest Now!"


Add it to blogger

The installation guide is kept extremely simple so just follow these easy steps:

  1. Go To Blogger > Template
  2. Backup your template
  3. click Edit HTML
  4. Optional step: If you have a Facebook comments plugin or Recommendations bar installed on your blog then you may skip to step#5 instead.

Search for the following tag inside your template:



or simply search for


  Just below this body tag paste the following JavaScript SDK code:

<div id="fb-root"></div>

<script>(function(d, s, id) {

  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];

  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;

  js = d.createElement(s); = id;

  js.src = "//";

  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);

}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>

  Save your template.

      5.  Next go to Blogger > Layout

      6. Click add a gadget and choose HTML/JavaScript widget

      7. Inside your HTML/JavaScript widget paste the following HTML5 code:

<div class="fb-activity" data-site="" data-width="300" data-height="450" data-border-color="#ffffff" data-header="false" data-recommendations="true"></div>


Make these changes:

  • Replace  with your website URL. For BlogSpot blogs it should have the following structure:

  • I have set width to 300 pixels (300)and height to 450 pixels (450). Adjust them according to your blog layouts only if alignment changes are required. Increase height if you want to display more stories inside the plugin.

  • In order to hide the blue border across the plugin, I have set the border to white. If your sidebar has a different colored background then adjust the background color by editing: #ffffff    Tip: Use our color generator tool

  • Friends likes appear above and recommended posts appear below that as bolded titles. If in case you don't want the plugin to display recommended stories then you can turn off recommendations by replacing true with false 

      8.  Save your widget and all done!

    Visit your blogs to see it working just fine. :)

Need help?

Adding this widget is surely easy but still if you encountered any troubles just post your query below and I would love to reply back.

The widget can also be controlled via your Facebook account by adding an application ID inside the JavaScript SDK code but we avoided making things complex.

I just hope this plugins adds some more traffic spice to your current growth and improves current page impressions. Wish you more success and tons of valuable traffic. Peace and blessings buddies! :)

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