You might have noticed that some of the results in google search display author�s profile picture with Google Plus ID along with their posts.
Why Implement Google Authorship?
This is same how your picture will look after you will do all the thing I�m going to tell you. Okay what you need to do is to follow these steps.
NOTE: You must have a Google Plus account to begin with tutorial and if you already don't have Google+ account, you can make one for free by visiting
Why Implement Google Authorship?
- Facial images are very eye-catching
- Google will promote your content over stolen versions
- You will begin to build AuthorRank with Google
This is same how your picture will look after you will do all the thing I�m going to tell you. Okay what you need to do is to follow these steps.
NOTE: You must have a Google Plus account to begin with tutorial and if you already don't have Google+ account, you can make one for free by visiting
- Go to and click �Create my profile�
- Sign in with your Google account. (If you don�t have one, go to
- Fill out your profile as completely as you like. For our purposes here, you must include a profile photo (use the same one you use on your blog). This should be a clear headshot.
- Google recommends making the +1 page of your profile public. That page displays anything that you have publicly �+1ed� on the web. I�m not sure what this has to do with author verification, but they recommend it so I�d do it. While in edit mode on your profile, click the +1 tab and check the box �show this tab on your profile.�
Step 1 : Just Create an �about me� or �any page viewing you information� on you blog and link that page to your google profile.
Step 2 : This is important. While creating the hyperlink to your Google Plus Profile page, Please remember to add rel=�me� to the link. as shown below.<a href="" rel="me">My Profile</a>
Step 3: In this step you must ensure that the blog articles you have written have a link to your �about me � page.This hyperlink should have the rel=�author� attribute as shown below.
<a href="" rel="author">My short bio</a>
Step 4: This is the last step. Sign in to your Google Profiles account and and add a new custom link that points to your �About Me� page. Tick the option that says �This page is specifically about me� and save the changes. You are almost done. wait when google will crawl you website again and your picture will show on google search result page.NOTE: Google takes sometime to show these images. It can vary from person to person, so keep patience.
Pradeep Singh