Top 5 Ways To Make a Website Seo Friendly ?

Well !! There are lots of things or say Seo Techniques to make a website or blog seo Friendly but here are some most useful and valuable points to be remember to Rank your website in search engines or say to increase the vi
sibility in search engines like Google , Yahoo, Bing , MSN etc.

1. The COntent should Be relevant to the Topic and user Friendly means it should be easy to understand . And 
    Main thing the content should be fresh.

2. The Design of your website or webpage should not be so complicated otherwise visitors will not stay and this    
    increases the Bounce Rate of your Site.

3. Make sure that Spider can easily Parse the COntent.

4. Navigation of the page or say Topic should be so simple so that visitor can easily reach. Internal Linking Should 
    be perfect.

5. Choose only that keywords which are relevant to your Website and targeted area. Have High Search Volume so 
    that it helps to gain more Traffic.

Seo Tips

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