Leading free email services offered Indiatimes at email.indiatimes.com, is now shutting down their email services which was started few years back. There won�t be any further new users will be accepted and warning visitors that �The service�s impending demise�.
According to Medianama article, it is likely that the company thinks the cost required to keep the service alive no longer defends at last decision to conclude their services. Indiatimes email services emailed to their email users about to backup their data before 18th February, 2013 at 12PM though they are under process to ending their email services.
But, there is no provision to back up users emails due to lack of POP3/IMAP support. Users are seeking backup facility may be enabled in easiest manner from Indiatimes before their end of services.
According to Medianama article, it is likely that the company thinks the cost required to keep the service alive no longer defends at last decision to conclude their services. Indiatimes email services emailed to their email users about to backup their data before 18th February, 2013 at 12PM though they are under process to ending their email services.
But, there is no provision to back up users emails due to lack of POP3/IMAP support. Users are seeking backup facility may be enabled in easiest manner from Indiatimes before their end of services.