5 Unheard Tricks To Sell BuySellAds Banners Fast With HighRates

sell buysellads banners fast
Its often interesting to realize that having tons of traffic is not the only way to pull in advertisers to sponsor your blog. There are various examples in general, where blogs having huge traffic (at least what there metrics represents) doesn't seem to grab the attention of the sponsors. While on the other side of the story, many blogs with relativity low traffic are full of sponsorship offers from all around the globe.

Looking forward to this phenomena, i have gathered here couple of solid factors that i believe have a great role in determining whether your blog is attractive to the advertisers or not. These tricks can totally be applied to direct banner advertisement market, though we would be focusing on the BuySellAds in specific.

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Before we start of, i would like to mention that all of the below points are not a set ruled to be successful with Advertisement banners, though as these things worked for me, so i believe they would totally be helpful to you too.

Before we move any further, you may want to know How to Make Money with BuySell Ads Advertisment Programe

buysellads banners

#1 Banners Initial Price Vs Market Price

As of any other marketing technique, banner pricing plays a huge role in how fast sponsors do you get from your BuySellAds directory. Many people often confuse BuySellAds with Direct advertisement industry.

They aren't the same.With BuySellAds, most of the advertisers come in from BuySellAds publishers directory where all the publishers are listed with in their respective categories. So the idea lies in competing with the prices of other publishers with in the BSA market place. The pricing of the real world direct advertisement market fails here.

buysellads marketplace

So say, you study your BSA market and now you know your current price that you can set. Anything above that price would bring your either no or less advertisers, unless you have something really out of the world to offer them.

The idea is to price a bit lower than that market value of yours. Though on a long term, this technique isn't healthy for publishers as this would reduce the market price value, though it works great for third world countries publishers as they can mange to bring their prices really low, compared to the western publishers.

Say one of your banners could have been priced for 45$ per month. And you know that all the other publishers with in your category with almost the same traffic have set a price around that figure. To pull in that extra advantage, you could go for 43$! Believe you me, you would be surprised by the results.

Advertisers survey their entire market and tries to advertise on the best blog that they could get in their set budget. So you need to pop out of the competition.

Tip: How To Price Your BuySellAds BSA Ads? The FORMULA!

#2 Sidebar background

Most of the BuySellAds banners go with in your blogs sidebar area. To make these ads pop up out, you could make your sidebar background different then the content area, so that the ads are able to get readers attention.

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#3 BuySellAds CSS3 animations

You could use these CSS3 animations that i recently to give your ads an extra bit of advantage over other publishers: Stylize BuySellAds Banners With CSS3 Leaf Effect for Fast Sales!

buysellads banners animations

#4 300x250 & 468x60

Though the banners dimension are totally depended upon every blog design though these standard dimensions works the best. As most of the advertisers have a pre set banner designs for their advertisement campaigns, so you could only attract them to the position if you would make things easy for them.

300x250 out performs most the banner dimensions. On the other hand 468x60 works great in the headers too.

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#5 What is a perfect combination of banner dimensions on average?

I have already gone through tons and tons of successful publishers in BuySellAds directory that are selling their ad banners like hot cakes. On average, it seem that almost a similar approach works for them with minute changes.

#1 468x60 banner seems to be out performing 728x90 one when it comes to being sold out fast.

#2 125x125 banners sell fast too, but mostly above the fold. The moment they tend to be lower then the fold, you would often see un sold spots here and there.

#3 300x250 dimension banner mostly works great packed around the content. You could either use them in the center of the sidebar (the spot where reader is totally involved into the content) or you could wrap that around the text with in the post body.

buysellads ctr

#4 468x60 below post works great too. Though these banners doesn't pay back much, though they surely provide value to the sponsor as these ad banners get high CTR.

Tip: Top 10 Popular Alternatives To BuySellAds That Pay Well!

What's your experience?

If you're BuySellAds publisher, then we all would love to hear your experience with different ad units. Do share which Ad Unit works the best for you and which one failed to show results.

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