10 Top Faith Democrats!

World politics might be an area of interest for most of our friends out there. And if we see at the history of a few decades, we can feel the intense heat in politics. The ups and downs have surely been and are the most interesting part of politics as you never know what happens the very next moment folks!

The world of today follows none other than the "super power" we have. And i hope every one out there knows what a super power is. The only one thing that controls all the happenings all around the world. And if i go into its depth, we have a state that is considered as the most powerful, in both economical and strategic sectors, The United States of America!

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"The Democrats", as you all might be aware of this term, have been in power since a pretty long time. The most interesting fact which was pointed or observed was the removal of all sorts of religious and God related ideas from their political platform. That is surely a very interesting thing!

But, there are some members of the Democratic party who do believe in God and follow religion, as being in the same political party not all are of the same type. My today's post put a spot light on such people, Democrats with Faith!

Top Democrats!

So folks! here is a list of some of the most famous religious members of the famous "Democratic Party".

1. William Jennings Bryan


One of the most famous personalities Democratic party ever had. William ran for the presidential election on party ticket. He gave many famous speeches like "cross of gold" in 1896. He contested for president in 1900 and then again in 1908, after which he continued serving as the secretary of state. However his end times went pretty tough and spent most of the time striving and fighting to give voice to his thoughts. But still a pretty impressive religion supportive personality he was.

2. Billy Graham


Billy is considered as a huge support for Christians. As he is advisor to president since nearly six decades. Not only this, his crusades have visited a number of countries spreading the teachings of Jesus and of the religion Christianity. Recently when questioned about his political affiliation, he himself stated that he is a life long democrat. But with it a pretty impressive religious personality he is.

3. Jesse Jackson


A pretty controversial personality he is. As his stances and political opinions are liable to be commented and discussed for pretty long intervals of time, almost weeks may be. But he still can be called a religion supportive personality. Jackson is an ordained minister, and not only this has also actively campaigned for the Presidency on the Democratic ticket in both 1984 and 1988. Not only this, he was able to hold mass debates on God and successfully managed to remain in public for nearly five decades.

4. Woodrow Wilson


Woodrow was the 28th president of the United states of America having a religious background, as his father was a minister First Presbyterian Church. Not only this, he also received a degree of doctorate from Princeton university. Leaving all the things to one side and his religious beliefs to the other, he was a man who never abandoned his beliefs and staunchly followed them.

5. Jimmy Carter


Jimmy is again one of the personalities who are considered as most devoted to religion. Although there is a lot debatable regarding him and his only one term of president ship, but he can be categorized as those who strictly follow bible. At present he is teaching Sunday School for Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Georgia. He left his official relationship with the southern Baptist church after the issue of equality of men and women, following the teachings of bible, which clearly show his devotion towards religious values.

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6. John F. Kennedy


A pretty famous name this is in the history of not only united states but in the entire world. During the elections of 1960, John's catholic faith became the hottest topic under discussion. Not only this, he and later his successor  Lieberman, following the path of John, remarkably were successful to bring the subject of God into public and public discussions.

7. Walter E. Fauntroy


Walter was basically a civil rights activist along with pastor at New Bethel Baptist Church in Washington D.C. From a young age he started participating in politics and was a dear friend of Martin Luther King Jr. Not only this, he was also the organiser of the famous King's march on Washington D.C. that ultimately gave birth to " I Have A Dream" speech. His achievements include staying as a non-voting representative in the House for two decades at Washington D.C.

8. Ted Strickland


Ted was the Governor oh Ohio from 2007-2011. Not only this, he had several terms served in Congress before wining Ohio Governorship. A strictly religion following person he was who also served as a minister at a United Methodist Church in Portsmouth, Ohio.

9. Burns Strider


Burns is a personality who holds an immense administrative experience. He served for two years as a youth minister in Hong Kong for the International Baptist Church in the mid-1990. Not only this he was also a part of the Hillary Clinton's campaign and at present is a frequent commentator and contributor to National Public Radio on matters of faith. A pretty devoted person he is towards religion.

10. Joe Lieberman


Joe at present is the senior senator of the state of Connecticut. In 2000 he was the vice presidential candidate for the democratic party. He himself is an orthodox Jew who in his campaign openly talked about God and his teachings along with believing on him.

So guys these were some of the democrats pretty near to their religions and faiths. Do update us with your positive feedback.

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