10 Features of a Unique and Strong Brand

This guest post is written by Saad Iskander, who is a computer science student and an enthusiastic writer.

The marketing criteria primarily banks on the input level of innovation. The organization of the notions that are part of the integral marketing process play a significant role in the brand recognition. As the world is becoming increasingly brand conscious and very sensitive about the quality product they choose, here are some key characteristics of a unique and creatively stable brand that a marketing manager should be acquainted of, and that can help a layman distinguish between a quality and an ordinary brand:

unique and strong brand

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1. Delivering the customers with uninterrupted supply of quality product

In order to develop a good long term relationship with the customers and a permanent name in the global market, the brand should swift with consecutive delivery of variety. Consistency builds customer trust in the brand. Getting lost in the variety of marketing activities is where the brand sales might suffer comprehensively.

quality product

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2. Dealing in customers� needs, desires and meeting their expectations

It is inevitable that a good brand directly deals in the needs and wants of the customers, but intersecting with the customers growing expectations is what distinguishes between a good and a strong brand. A relevant example is Starbucks. They are the pioneer of the coffee bar culture, building coffee caf�s where flavorful coffee is served in new styles of coffee mugs.

meeting expectations

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3. The brand deals in relevant products

A strong brand glues itself to the best of their productions. A handsome research is done by the company on the situations and occasions, their product is used by the different types of customers. Gillette has created numerous quality products like the Blue ll Excel and Mach 3 that parameterize customer expectations.

relevant products

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4. They develop strategies that result on the base of the difference between customer�s appraisal of all the benefits and the purchasing cost.

The connection of the product, its price and its offered characteristics should communicate well with each other to form a feasible package. This however is difficult to achieve but Proctor and Gamble successfully put the price and profit with their fairly low price strategies.

5. The brand is properly positioned

The right positioning incorporates strong values and differentiators that are important to your customers. A well settled and positioned brand makes a good impression on the target audience mind and they prefer it over other brands. Visa and American Express stand out on this feature. They offered customer benefits through their memberships which earned them a prestigious in the market as a trusted brand. Similarly the Gold and Platinum cards created flexibilities and ease for customers during shopping hence making a position in customer�s life.

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6. The brand creates sensible segments and division for market

A good company embarks on competitive business which they plan to achieve by creating brand hierarchy, like Pontiac, Chevrolet, and Buick. They develop multiple brands to create divisions for personalities.

7. The brand has a long time followers

The equilibrium of a good support must be well assembled. Consistent and innovative advertising keeps the customers intact with the brand. Shell oil had a long trail of a good support but in the beginning of 80�s, they started losing support when they stopped advertising.

long time followers

8. To maintain equilibrium, a brand should accommodate all of its marketing activities

A graphically good logo, symbol, manageable packaging and a catchy slogan is what constitutes a brand. These frame the uniqueness and originality of the brand itself. Coca cola market itself with innovative promotion advertisements and sponsorships with new slogans after every few months.

9. The brand achieves sustainability

A sustainable brand drives an organization towards originality and success. A good example of a sustainable brand is Mark and Spencer�s.


10. The company revitalize the brand source

The company use revisions on the ongoing brand. This can lead to a better progress of a previous release brand product instead of losing its charm to the customers by lack of advertising.

These are a few fundamental and key features of a successful brand that help in making a consistent and stable name in the growing market. All the marketers and designers should store them in the minds as key constituents while brand making.

Thank you for reading

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