Top 15 Richest Countries In the world - Qatar Leads!

All of you as being an important and an active part of the society do know and realise the fact that the world of today is more than materialistic and the most important thing in the modern era of today is no doubt money and wealth. The more amount of money you have, the more powerful you are considered among the rest of the lot present out there.

Now, if i consider this fact on a much broader aspect and discuss this in terms of the countries and nations of the world, on this very particular fact and data there is a much competition present folks. And all the countries try their level best to improve their economic statistics in order to beat the others in the ranking.

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How Is This Ranking Determined??

This question might be present in some of the minds out there that how is this ranking determined regarding how wealthy a country is. Well folks! the formula behind this is that this ranking is determined through the GDP which is derived from PPP of the country.

GDP basically stands for Gross Domestic Product and PPP stands for Purchasing Power Parity and these calculations are per capita. Usually these calculations are conducted and prepared by organizations like International Monetary Fund (IMF) and The World Bank and are basically in international dollars. The more is the GDP (PPP), the more wealthy is the country.

My today's post puts a spotlight on some of the most rich countries of the world.
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Top Richest Countries!

So folks here are the top and most richest countries of the world.

1) Qatar

According to the latest statistical records and data present, Qatar is by far considered as the most rich country in the world as it has the most GDP (PPP) per capita which ranges to almost $88,000. The main and basic source of their wealth is the presence of the biggest natural gas and oil reserves as it comes at number 3 due to these reserves.

And cashing this, it exports these and earns a great amount of cash from this. Government is investing a great amount of money in this sector to further enhance it and make it more better.

2) Luxembourg

Luxembourg is considered as the second most rich country of the world whose GDP (PPP) per capita ranges to almost $81,000. The main source of their earning is their industrial and corporate sector and further in industrial is the steel and metal industry in particular.

They produce a great deal of products and export them at good prices and thus boost their economy. Apart from this, their banking and corporate sector is also strong as Europe's best insurance company is Luxembourg based, which helps in boosting their economy to heights.

3) Singapore

Singapore is considered as the third most rich country of the world having a GDP (PPP) per capita of almost around $56,000. It generates it economy through a number of ways. Due to prime location and corruption free environment it has a really favourable environment for corporate sector,and due to this some of the biggest companies hold their offices here.

It also generates economy by exporting and importing products. Apart from all this, Singapore's tourism industry also helps in making its economy better as every year it attracts a huge number of visitors from all over the world. These all factors contribute to its GDP increment thus making it stand at number three.

4) Norway

Norway holds the position of number 4in the rating and it has a GDP (PPP) per capita of almost around $51,000. Norway generates its economy by a number of ways and its economy can be regarded as a mixed economy. It holds large amounts of natural resource reserves, mainly oil and gas and through the export of these they earn a great amount.

 Along with these, they also export see food to the world. Norway also provides the world with some of the best labour of almost every sector. These all factors coupled together help a lot in improving the economical condition of the country thus making it stand on number 4.

5) Brunei

At number 5 in the ranking we have Brunei, having GDP (PPP) per capita of around $48,000. It generates its economy through a number of ways. It is rich in oil and gas reserves thus by exporting them it manages to earn a neat amount of wealth.

With this its petrochemical industry is also much advanced and is further advancing which thus constitutes in giving a number 5 position in the world wealthiest countries ranking.

6) United Arab Emirates (UAE)

UAE holds 6th position in the ranking with GDP (PPP) per capita of around $47,000. It also possesses a mix economy and generates revenue through a number of ways. As it has huge oil reserves, by exporting it a huge sum is earned. Along with this, UAE is present at a real prime location, it attracts a great amount of foreign investors.

Not only the location, its reforms like no with holding taxes etc also favour UAE as being a trade hub for the rest of world. Government is also focusing on improving the infrastructure to improve the tourism industry as UAE, apart from business professionals and foreign investors, attracts a large number of tourists from all the world.

7) United States

United States has the 7th position in the ranking with a DP (PPP) per capita of around $46,000. As you might be aware of the face that united states is considered as the super power of the modern world of today, due to this fact its economy can be considered as the worlds largest economy. But still due to unemployment rate it is at number 7.

 Its revenue generation is basically through a number of factors that include exports and manufacturing of products of every sort. Some finest stuff can be obtained from the US manufacturers. With this it is also considered as the trade hub of the world as all the central stock exchanges are present here. All these factors contribute to it being on number 7 in the world ranking.
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8) Hong Kong

As it once used to be a British colony, Hong Kong is at number 8 with a GDP (PPP) per capita income of about $45,000. It is by far considered as one of the most powerful emerging economies of the world as like UAE, it has some of the best and most favourable conditions for trade which include their highly flexible taxation policies and much more.

 Almost all of the biggest and famous companies have their trading platforms in Hong Kong as Hong Kong, in the present era, is being considered as a necessity for traders and investors. They also have a strong export market as they manufacture and export the products to the outer world with much better incentives. These all conditions help in making Hong Kong's position real strong.

9) Switzerland

Switzerland is at number 9 in the world ranking having a GDP (PPP) per capita income of about $41,000. Switzerland's is basically an agrarian country which produces and exports a number of first class agrarian products to the rest of the outer world.

 Not only this, God has being gifted it by some of the most maleficent scenarios due to which it has the most developed tourism industry and attracts a large amount of visitors every year which in the end plays a real vital role. The labour of Switzerland is also considered as hard working, devoted and experts as far their respective Fields are concerned and thus are spread in whole world, contributing to the development of their country.

10) Netherlands

Netherlands holds 10th position in the world ranking with a GDP (PPP) per capita income of about $40,000. A number of factors like their exports and a supportive market help in the maintenance of a strong economy.

ot only this, their products are pretty famous in the international market and their demand is pretty high which ultimately in the end results in the better condition of their economy.

11) Australia

Australia is on number 11 with a GDP (PPP) per capita income of about $39,000. The factors that mainly contribute to its good economic condition include the better corporate environment and highly skilled professional in almost every field that work in almost part of the world.

Not only this, Australia has a very well developed and a good tourism industry that attracts a high number of tourists from around the globe that ultimately helps in the development of its economy.

12) Austria

Austria holds number 12 in the world ranking with a GDP (PPP) per capita income of about $39,700. Austria by far has the best industrial and agrarian facilities and a large part of its economy is determined by the exports of agrarian and industrial products as they are considered as one of the best products and have a high demand in the international market.

13) Ireland

Ireland is by far categorized at number 13 in the world ranking with a GDP (PPP) per capita income of about $39,400. Ireland's economy relies on a number of factors which include their exports in pharmaceutical and software industry.

With this they also have expert professionals that work around the globe. Their exports also include steel, metal and electronics equipment. These all contribute to its stable and better economy.

14) Canada

Canada occupies the 14th position in the world ranking with a GDP (PPP) per capita income of about $39,000. Its economy is also determined by a couple of factors that mainly include the favourable environment for trade provided to the foreign investors.

With this its tourism industry is pretty much developed and attracts a number of visitors from around the globe that ultimately help in the development, betterment and stability of the economy of this country thus making it appear in the world ranking.

15) Kuwait

Kuwait, another part of the Gulf is on number 15 in the world ranking with a GDP (PPP) per capita income of about $38,000. As it has a large number of oil reserves, through its exports its economy is generated.

Thus for this country it can be said that the exports of natural reserves like gas and oil are the main pillars of its stable economy.

So guys these were some of the richest countries of the modern world of today and thus can be said powerful as well as the more the wealthy is the nation the more powerful it is. In the end, positive comments are appreciated.

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