3 Design Aspect of a Website Makes It Standout In Search Engines?

This guest post is written by Jack Sutton who works with VITEB-UK.

Summary: Website designing is a very creative and exciting field. However there are many nuances associated with it. This is why a lot of people are venturing into this domain. This article highlights the few things you must take care of while developing your website.

design website

Haha! Gotcha! I know that people today barely have any patience for humour, so apologies if I have annoyed someone. However, I also know that more and more people today aim at creating the best websites to ensure that they have a better visibility on the internet, bear with me and understand what I am trying to say.

The internet has grown from being just a novelty to a requirement today. I mean, there is barely any section of the population today, who cares for any device that is sans internet. No matter what we want, no matter what our requirement is, we presume that the answer lies in the vast world of the internet.

This is why, having a great website is critically important. Unless you have an exciting website, you might lose out on the potential customers that are out there surfing on the internet, looking for the products and services from your industry.

Now, obviously, an entrepreneur is best at managing his business and coding is definitely not a part of his skill set. This is why; it becomes extremely difficult for business owners to develop a website by themselves without hiring a dependable resource for website design and development.

Well, honestly, so far as the development is concerned, you better leave them to the experts. However, the design, you can handle, if you adhere to the following points.

responsive website design

Pictures tell a story

Now, obviously, through the medium of your website, you wish to pass on information to the potential customer. This is why you pick appropriate content and have it published on your site. However, remember that it is always easier to convey messages via the medium of images than text.

So ensure that your website has lots of pictures and info-graphics as they are very attractive apart from being very helpful in terms of passing on information easily and quickly in a more fun filled way that any written word can.

Unique and Strong

Please note that instead of using the word Bold, I have used Strong. This is because sometimes, people get a false sense of having a bold website by using quirky colours and silly graphics. Well, that is the last thing that you want for your site.

You want your website to establish that it is unique and has an extremely solid foundation. Quirkiness and being whimsical may work for a while, but after the novelty wears off, all the downsides of the site become all the more apparent.

standout website design

This is why you must stay away from trying to reinvent the wheel. I am not saying don�t be creative. All I am saying is understand your audience and supply them with something unique in your own right, without going way out of line.


Believe it or not navigation is THE most important aspect of a website. Okay, do it yourself. Let�s take up an experiment. Look up anything on the internet. Any product or service. Then open the first search result and the fifth one and the tenth one.

website navigation

Out of these three, go through the site and note which one you like and are comfortable on. Also note down the time you took before you closed the one that you did not like. Once you have done this experiment, close all the windows and think.

Although it seemed like a lot of time, the maximum time in which you closed the least liked website was less than 40 seconds. The one that you liked was either the first or the fifth site. You liked it because you could go from the home page to the various tabs you felt like.

Now that you have an understanding of how the site functions, make sure that your site as all the qualities of the fifth one. Make sure you make it as uncluttered as possible and it is easy to move on to any part of the website from any part of the website.

About The Author

Jack Sutton works with VITEB-UK - a custom website design company based in London.Targeting businesses based in UK custom PHP development and web design services are the forte of Viteb-UK.He likes to share his knowledge by researching on various topics relevant to his field and also writes about them when he gets time. You can find him write-ups on different guest blogging platforms.

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