10 Best and Most Used WordPress Plugins Of 2012!

Writing skills is the most important asset of those people who are engaged with the on line earning activity, and in this further with the blogging community in particular, as everyone out there would agree to this statement of mine. Surely, people will read and follow you only on your writings, and thus writing skill is the only thing that matters folks.

10 Best and Most Used WordPress Plugins

Now according to the current scenario, presentation and writing both matter alot. If you have a really good and interesting content but at the same time it lacks from presentation, then surely you wont get the type of response you want. And in this competitive environment, one can't take the option of loosing as a single negligence can cost you alot.

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If i talk about the blogging community in particular now, it is really important for us to be updated with the latest plug ins and tools along with software's that can help in the presentation as well as maintenance of blogs and blogging website. As these tools help in a lot of ways from creation to stylizing and finalizing. My today's post includes some of the best and most favorite word press plug ins that you can use to give your blogs and blogging website the best!

Top Plug ins!

Here are some of the best and most favorite word press plug ins that can be used in order to make your work easy.

1) Akismet Plug in

This plug in can basically be used for the maintenance of comments that appear on your blogs. Through this negative and inappropriate comments can easily be blocked. With this you can also even block the spams that can possibly appear on your blogs in the form of comments. So, as far as management of comments are concerned, its made easy now with the help of this plug in.

2) Broken Link Checker Plug in

This plug in is basically related to the links and addition of links in your blog post as it traces and identifies those broken links and then mend them up so that you work without being interrupted. So as far as your linking problem is concerned, its pretty much solved with the help of this plug in.

3) AdSense Deluxe Plug in

This plug in is basically the best one if you want to manage your Google AdSense as it is the best one for this purpose. Not only this, it would help you maintaining other networks too. A complete and comprehensive plug in it is.

4) WPtouch Plug in

This plug in basically helps you in the transformation and compatibility of your blogs and blogging websites with operating software's such as android etc. It transforms your blogs with themes into the form that can easily be visible through every operating software. A pretty useful and favorite plug in it is folks.

5) Maintenance Mode Plug in

This plug in greatly helps you while your blogs and blogging websites are down for maintenance as they make pretty visible to your followers when the site is down for maintenance.
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6) WP Stats Dashboard Plug in

This plug in helps you to record your progress as through this tool this thing is made pretty easy as it displays and gives your progress in tabular form. You can easily view and maintain your progress with your comments and followers  in the statistical form as this plug in surely makes it much easy.

7) Pricing Table Plug in

This plug in is a useful one if you wish to make your blogs and on line posts more complete, dynamic and presentable as through this plug in you can easily put in tables in your blogs and on line posts. It has within it some of the best templates that give you a vast variety for making your tables more presentable.

8) Live Blog Plug in

This is a new in market plug in as it helps you with maintaining and updating your blogs pretty fast. If you are covering an event and want to update your followers with it, then it is the best tool as it can help you if you wish to manage your blogs real fast in a short span of time.

9) RSS Footer Plug in

This plug in is used if you want to edit the content of your blogs as it can make this thing real easy. Through this you can add in the starting and ending lines in your posts pretty easily. But, if you are using word press SEO plug in, then you might not need to use this plug in.

10) SEO Friendly Images Plug in

This plug in can greatly help you with the management of your pictures you add or wish to add in your blog posts and on line content. The best part of this plug in is that it automatically tags your pictures according to the content making your work much less hectic and with it making it more dynamic and presentable.

So guys here were some of the best and most favorite plug ins that can be used in order to create and maintain your on line content including your blogs. Things get pretty easy with the use of these. In the end like always, positive feedback is appreciated.

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