Top 11 Free Tools for Twitter Analytics!

Tools for Twitter AnalyticsThere has been a remarkable increase in trend these days of joining and interacting with people on social networking websites. Everyone almost who has the basic how know of using Internet is a apart of these social networking websites. And these sites don't only provide you with a platform to just interact with people having different schools of thoughts but also now has become a source a lot things as now these websites are a great source of revenue generation and they can help each and every individual out there in a lot of ways.

If you own a small business, websites like Facebook and Twitter can greatly benefit you as you can very easily advertise your products and grab customers.Folks! these social networking websites are of a great use and have multiple benefits.

Now, if you have a profile at this type of website, you'll definitely want your profile to be the best one out of all the other users profile that use that website like you. But then there is a common question to how to make it the best?? Well folks! my today's post includes some of the solutions and answers to how you can make your profiles more catchy an innovative, and particularly on one of the most famous social networking website, The Twitter!


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Twitter Analytics??

This is basically managing your twitter account which commonly involves in it managing your contacts, friends and stuff related to them. So, basically its nothing more than making and managing your social networking accounts. Apart from this it also gives you a wide range of features that make your account more catchy and interesting

Now to perform these functions you have a very wide range of software's and tools that can perform this act. There are some free one's and some paid one's as well. In my post of today I'll be focusing on free tools that can make managing a really easy job for you to do!

Top 11 Free Tools!

So, guys! here are the most famous and top 11 free tools that can help in making your profiles the best in every aspect.

1) The Follower Wonk

This is a very interesting and full of feature's analytic tool as it has a number of templates and colourful features that can give life to your twitter account and with that make it fly like anything. Its famous Venn diagram feature makes it the most famous amongst all. With this it also gives you the provision of going and searching roots of your friends with their activities and connections.

2) The wordCurl

This is again a really good analytic tools as it keeps you updated by the activities that are going on twitter very efficiently. It's most important feature is the graphical representation of statistics. By this i mean that the activities that are going at twitter is represented by the graphical representation and statistics. It has in it blog facility to help you in every possible way really easily.

3) The Topsy Social

This analytic tools gives you a detailed progress on activities that are going on twitter which mainly involve the people you have subscribed and your friend list. Apart from this, it has all sorts of compatibility applications for all types of gadgets you might use to use twitter so that you can get the best compatibility and you can work with ease.

4) The TweetStats

This is yet again a very interesting and colourful tool as it gives you the provision to get a graphical representation in the form of a bar graph of your tweets on hourly, daily and monthly basis. Because of this feature it is a really popular feature and is almost used by a lot of people. With this it gives you the ease of managing your tweets and twitter account really easily like all other good and famous analytic tools.

5) The Twitter Counter

This analytic tool gives you the additional feature of comparison. By this i mean that you can easily compare your progress with your other fellows that are on twitter. This gives a graphical representation of your progress as well others progress and the comparison you want in the form a line graph and proper comparison tables that is more easy to maintain and analyse. The rest are the same features like good other analytic tools.

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6) The Techcrunch

This is basically an analytic tools by twitter that twitter has formed itself. It is not really available to everyone but yes it is free. Apart from this it isn't really very user friendly as people with no grip on such stuff might face some problems while working on it. The rest, it is also an efficient tool that can be really helpful by getting data straight from the source and the toolset will continue to evolve.

7) The Kred

This is yet again a very efficient tool as it gives you access to the most in and famous articles, music, videos, TV shows etc that go on social networking websites. With this, you can also get as extra provision of interacting with different people as it gives you this platform quite easily and working on this is quite easy. The best part is that it isn't limited to just twitter but can also be used for facebook as well.

8) The Twitalyzer

This is yet again a multipurpose analytic tools as it gives you quite a lot of features. It informs you about your performance as well as when you need to manage your stuff at your social networking account. With this, this tool also gives you a pretty easy access to the famous and hot issue articles that are published on famous article and news websites. A pretty interesting tool it is folks!

9) The Klout

This is again an analytic tool that is not restricted to the use of twitter only but can also be used with other social networking websites like facebook etc. Secondly, it also gives you the feature of comparison of your account and profile with other users. The plus point it has and which i consider as an additional feature is that by entering your data in this tool, it gives you a specific score of your facts which you can further compare. Its fun working like this guys.

10) The TweetEffect

This tool, like all others is yet again a very efficient tool to maintain as well as monitor your progress. The best part of this tool is this that it portrays your progress and facts into a wave form representation with drops and peaks through which you can easily figure out what made you famous and dropped your popularity among your community. It also pinpoints the reasons, like your posts and stuff of your rise and fall of your progress.

11) The TweetLevel

This is again a multi feature analytic tool that can help manage your tweets and your account very easily. It comes with a trial pack which gives you the provision of getting satisfied first and then using this tool. Apart from this it gives you easy access to all your twitter progress. Quite an efficient tool it is folks.

Well guys! these were some of the best and free analytic tools that you can use and make your profiles really catchy and interesting and with this can easily manage your accounts with access to all necessary things in time. In the end, positive comments are recommended folks!

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