Say Hello To Our New Lead Writer: Mujtaba Anwaar Chaudhary

Greetings guys! smile  As you know that we have been pretty active recently in terms of sharing new interesting widgets and other post, and to keep that going, we needed a support of a loyal and hardworking writer.

 As of now, my studies are getting tougher and more time consuming so we have to find a way through. In such a scenario, it gets really hard to bring up new widgets of and on. And knowing that you guys love to get new widgets more than anything, we are here with a much stronger writing family for BloggingeHow that wont make your day paste without being updated with something interesting smile.

Our new writer Mujtaba Anwaar Chaudhary is now a part of BloggingeHow family. He would be regularly updating you guys, while i'll be concentrating more on widgets rather than those other posts.

We really welcome our new writer Mujtaba, to the Bloggingehow's desk, and we hope it would be an interesting and productive journey for us all. Say hello to him in the comments section below and wish him good luck!smile

Thanks a bunch guy for all your support. BeH brand owe you guys billions!

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