Promote Your Website on the Urdu Version of Google

Urdu Language is spoken as a first by 20 million people in Pakistan and by 50 million people in India. It is the national language of Pakistan as well as one of the 20 official languages of India. It is also spoken in Afghanistan. It is estimated about 15 million native Urdu speakers use the internet on a regular basis.

Google is the only �real� search engine in Urdu:

it is not necessary to translate your website in order to rank well on Google in Urdu: you need to have at least one page in Urdu optimized with your Urdu keywords and Meta tags in order to be eligible for rankings on Google in Urdu.

However it is not as simple as just translating a page and its Meta tags in Urdu. In fact, the text of a page must be written using unique specific character patterns,the sentences must reflect strategic keywords according to the optimization-source code by following a very precise methodology proper to Urdu.

Foreign language optimization goes way beyond the expertise & qualifications of a regular translation agency....

Contract our native experts to create an entry page in Urdu for your website or Blog optimized with your keywords in Urdu. It will have a similar look and feel as your current home page. It will be considered as your �Urdu entry page�.

Such page will feature approximately 10 to 20 line paragraph in Urdu introducing your web site. At the end of such page, we will tell the users that by entering your website they should expect overall content in English and that all correspondences should be established in English as well.

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