Black Hat and White Hat SEO Techniques

Block Hat (Spam) SEO 

In the field of SEO, Black Hat is the unethical approach to SEO and must avoid at all costs. Webmasters SEO will strengthen on their position quickly bump and sit on top of Google. That is not the case. At some point will be captured and thrust directly from the search engines and permanently banned.

Avoid shortcuts and clear the address of a company you grim search engine ranking # 1 at night promises for a ridiculously low price (the real TIMO shouting!) That is a practice which deliberately deceiving the search engines black hat only hurts the long term.

The Black Hat SEO includes the following unethical practices:

* Filling the keyword - put too many keywords in your content / site (it make no sense) think about that black hat should be avoided.

* Hidden text - that puts white text against white background. The mask - one thing visitors see on websites but the content is presented in a different way to search engine spiders search.

* Filling the Cookie - Cookies are text files that are stored in the web browsers on computers (due to third party sites). The catch: Consumers visiting the website within 60 days (a cookie is stored for 60 days) and a purchase - as a result, the affiliate receives a commission from the sale fraudulent.

Detours * - creating a full page of unique content and once you get a high-aligned, you redirect to another page on your site (i.e. shopping cart page)

Alignment # 1 on Google

You can go to the top when it comes to Google rankings. First you have to find out how much you know about SEO and examine competition in the market. When you do so at the top of Google, the big things happen for you and your business! You start to get busy and you have more than enough companies / customers.

Check out these white tips of the hat following:

Spend at least * 30 minutes in a day working with your SEO - it pays to this everyday worthwhile investment to make your site / business!

* You do not need to know about SEO - there is much conflicting information out there. Research on the various sites, resources, etc... And choose which work best for your site / business!

* Outsource SEO work to a professional if you feel that you do not know enough about SEO - but it helps to know the basics of SEO. A good SEO expert will always guide you in the right direction and investigate the companies / entities reputable and make sure you hire an SEO Pro!

White Hat (Ethical) SEO

A white hat SEO (white hat) is called an "ethical stance" that the abuse of electronic media opposes. Do the right thing: Optimize the text (where the title and description where it should.
Implements accessibility standards: (an example to understand what a search engine that contains a picture, the parameter = "alt text to add" and a brief description).

Create a link structure: the sites must be in the form of a link between self-re-run.

A black hat (black hat) is the opposite of White Hat, it attempts to breach this term is considered an ethical SEO tied. You can use low quality links or unwanted pornographic sites, pharmacies, etc. Those who practice Black Hat SEO, "bloated" PR placing a link on a page containing a high page rank, but if it is deleted from the PR of the page are in the next update of Google.

A Black Hat SEO (Spam) does the following:

Clocking: (a sewer hidden behind a seemingly normal web search engines or travel without disabled dirty look at the content mostly plain text, h1, bold and many links that would never on the cover. This is the most common technique among spammers and is considered counterproductive, because the hidden text should resulted web users). Buy links (back links Google shows that it is illegal).

Start-ups (it is automatically generated content or copying of garbage, you should try your pages in search engine indexes, scattering in different servers, domains, other content formats). Abuse of words (A spam puts a title search words all types of one-to the larger number of web searches without coherence angle). Duplicate content (take a text and put it on multiple pages to get indexed more pages). Hidden text  (hidden links and keywords on a website using hidden dives, font�s invaluable trick or white text on white background).

The biggest problem with Black Hat SEO is the consequences that may arise for the owner of the page. The most ominous is the complete abolition of the Google results. This is usually due to SEO that Google detects and punishes malicious page in this way.

Another important term to know Gray hat, referring to the practices from one place to another. Using both methods, such as favorable for the page.

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White Hat SEO Tips

when it comes to ethical SEO technique, the white hat is how aggressively you need to approach SEO.

Think of the "value" when it comes to white hat SEO. The white hat is ethical search technique used by big players like Google.

White hat SEO tactics with aggressive, "not until you reach the previously" - every time! The white hat SEO is any element that you add to your sites, Blogs, etc... That the added value and credibility.

GRANDE * Write content, single

* Set the video / audio sites, innovative
* Create a constant community of merit "
* you want your site visitors to see as a source of value-full of information (keep them coming back for more!)

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