15 Ways To Build Traffic To Your Blogspot Blog

Building traffic to your Blogspot blog will not come easy. In fact, it will take time and a TON of effort if you really want to create a popular blog. To get you started on your journey, I have compiled a list of 15 ways to build traffic to your Blogspot blog. Enjoy ;)

  1. Submit your site to blog directories.
  2. Be active on forums, link to your blog in the signature.
  3. Use facebook, twitter, and other social networks to find new readers and build relationships.
  4. Comment on other blogs.
  5. Optimize your blog for search engines.
  6. Submit articles to blog carnivals.
  7. Interview other bloggers on your blog and ask for an interview back.
  8. Guest post on other blogs.
  9. Place share buttons on your blog like addthis.com.
  10. Create Squidoo lenses.
  11. Answer questions at Yahoo Answers and link to a blog post in the source. But only link to a post if it is relevant to the question.
  12. Update your blog at least 3 times a week.
  13. Set-up feedburner so users can subscribe to your blog.
  14. Get rid of excess gadgets so your blog can load faster.
  15. Tell all of your friends, family, and co-workers about your blog.

Have any other cool ideas for building traffic? Let us know in the comments!

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