5 Reasons Your Posts Should be In List Form

5 Reasons Your Posts Should be In List Form
Do you ever wonder what makes some blog posts so much more popular than others? If you�re thinking great content, you�re only partially right. Great content is the key to any successful blog post� but so is making it easy for your readers to read. This is why the majority of the popular posts online are written in the form of lists.

List format posts are a good idea for the following reasons:

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1. Breaks up the monotony of a long post:

Posts that are written in paragraph format are usually wordy and long, which can end up being overwhelming for your readers to read. Most people online don�t want to spend a lot of time reading each and every word on a post, and it�s not visually appealing to have paragraph after paragraph of text. Using a bulleted or numbered format helps break up long paragraphs into shorter bits that are easier to read quickly.

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2. Helps the reader scan: 

The majority of online readers are in a hurry. They don�t want to take the time to read each and every word in blog post, they want to get the information they�re after and move on. With a list format approach your readers are able to hit all the high points of a post and still lean the pertinent information without having to stop and read everything on the page.

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    5 Reasons Your Posts Should be In List Form

    3. Information is shared more easily: 

    Getting your posts linked to by other bloggers and search engines is one of the biggest factors in running a successful blog. However your posts have to be easy to understand for people to want to link to them. Lengthy, wordy posts usually don�t get shared because it�s hard to pick out the valuable information within the text. List posts, however, make it easy to pick up on helpful information, making them much more shareable.

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    4. Easy to write: 

    Let�s be honest, list posts are much easier to write than huge article-type posts. All you have to do is come up with the important points you want to touch on; then you describe them a little more in depth after bolding the main ideas. This is much easier than coming up with a research paper type post.

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    5. Makes for good post titles: 

    Post titles are what encourage people to click over to your site and continue reading an article. Blog posts that are the �Top 5 Best�� and such do well because people know that they�re going to get something valuable from the content quickly, and people like to share that kind of information.

    If you want a particular post to get a lot of page views then writing it in list format is the way to go. They�re easily read and easily shared, which are two motivating factors to write in this particular format, and you�ll likely see your page views increase in no time.

    About The Author

    Kate Croston is a freelance writer, holds a bachelors degree in Journalism and Mass Communication. She writes guest posts for different sites and loves contributing home internet service related topics. Questions or comments can be sent to: katecroston.croston09 @ gmail.com.

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