Google+ Creative Kit is now released

Google recently brought out the Google+ Creative Kit which is an online photo editing application that enhances the photos in your Google+ albums with some cool effects. 

It is powered by Picnik. The best thing about it � you can go crazy by creating photos in your browser all within your Google+ profile. I am a big fan of Picnik but now Picnik is shutting down on April 19th 2012.

If you have any photos saved in please Sign in to use Picnik Takeout, a new tool which allows you to download a copy of your Picnik photos. Let try the new Google+ and ROCK ON
How to edit your photos easily in Google Creative Kit+ 
1) Open a photo from your photo albums in google account.
2) Open Google+�s Creative Kit choosing Edit. You can see the Creative Kit button right there. Check the screen shot for google Kit below.

3) Start editing your photo easily. I bet you will also get addicted to this feature.

What you can do more?
1) You can Auto-fix your photo if you dont have much time. Once you hit the Auto Fix button Google Creative Kit will edit the photo and enhance it automatically.
2) If you click on the EFFECTS button, you can find multiple effects options to play around with your picture which will give a prefect required look you want for our photo.
3) Design beautiful ecards on google Creative Kit.
4) Add text to your photo
5) Do framing on your photo
6) Add different stickers in your photos
7) Add seasonal effects to make your photo or ecard more attractive and unique.

Google Creative Kit is FREE to use. So create beautiful ecards using Google Creative Kit+ and start earning. Start editing your photos and sell them online. Check my previous posts for Photos Sell Online.

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