Now a days, work from home is popularizing very fast. Most of the people are daily searching about online jobs to earn some extra money, in this most of the people are students, house wives and others are skilled professionals. Most of the people are seriously working on it. The top is made using following criteria: prices, membership, interface, usability and number of daily listed projects. Even you are a freelancer looking to be hired or a buyer looking to outsource some projects, this list can help you in choosing the right services. So, here are the list of best top freelance websites.
One of the first freelance websites from world wide web and is an online job marketplace that provides a means for employers and freelancer around the globe to collaborate for mutual benefit. Individuals or businesses in need of skilled help for short or long-term projects can post those projects and allow freelancers to submit bids for the completion of the work. At this moment have over 1,008,218 registered users.
No monthly fees for basic membership and the number of bids included depend on how old is your account. The gold membership cost 12$ per month and provide no commissions taken on projects and. Fees: service buyers pay the greater of 3% of the project or $3 and service providers pay the greater of 10% of the project or $5.
For withdraw, you can chose between following services: payoneer card (card is released by request), PayPal, Moneybookers and wire transfer.
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