How To Show Dofollow and Nofollow Links in Firefox, Google Chrome

Dofollow and Nofollow links both are the part of link building strategies by which you can improve your SEO ranking of the websites or blogs. Between both types of links, the dofollow links are better than the nofollow links. Basically, if your site has a dofollow link from another site then this link would be a positive vote by that website owner to your website or blog. Major search engines follow the dofollow links. Dofollow links impact your search engine ranking positions. Therefore, you should always try to earn quality dofollow links to your website for the SEO visibility on the web. If you are surfing over the WebPages you couldn't distinguish the type of links, which is dofollow or nofollow. However, you can find few solutions for it to detect the type of the links by a single click on Firefox or Google chrome browser. Getting the dofollow links for your blog are not a very hard task in these days because there are so many blogs that allowed the author's comment section links as dofollow, and this type of blogs are called dofollow blogs. You have to distinguish the type of links in the comment section. If you see the author's link is dofollow, then you can comment over here with a linkback to your website. Please keep in mind, comment on quality blogs only or comment only on specific number of blogs otherwise Google will treat it as a spam, and penguin will eat your blog. You may read our latest article for common SEO mistakes to avoid Google panda & penguin penalties. Don't comment on that blog like "nice article, thank you so much ...". It would be better, read some amount of article, and then comment related to the article, it will also help to get approved your comment easily. You can also write a guest post on the high quality blogs, and in return you can get a link back to your own website. Therefore, here is how could you show the dofollow and nofollow links in the WebPages.

Update: You should maintain the natural ratio of your dofollow and nofollow inbound links. If you have only dofollow links toward your site, it is green signal for Google that you involved in artificial link building. You should keep in mind that few unnatural links toward your site may harm your overall site performance due to Google penguin updates.
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