My Hotmail Account Was Compromised!

hotmail compromisedJust tonight I tried logging into my Hotmail account and to my amazement after having typed my password several times correctly, I was not able to access the account. I tried different browsers, cleared cache and turned off Caps lock too but there was all sweat on my face. At last I gave up hope and agreed to accept the fact that my account was now in wrong hands. But of course I could not sit and watch. I started resetting my password by visiting the Password reset page. The trouble maker did remember to change my secret question but he forgot to change the alternate email address I submitted. Thankfully just the next hour I requested a password reset on my alternate Email address and luck did play so well for me that I could easily reset the password before he could scan my Emails and confidential letters.


This incident scared me so much that I changed all existing passwords of Google and advertising services. My first password was impossible to be guessed because it was alphanumeric but still if someone has succeeded in accessing the account then this shows the stupidity on my side.

Just last week I signed into MSN messenger for the first time after years. Many strange messages popped up and I had to signed out as soon as possible. I also carefully monitor phishing scam and spam emails and never open any web page that seem suspicious. Despite all these careful precautions I learnt today that you need to be really smart and careful while working online!

I have now successfully regained control over my account and I also managed to reset passwords of all existing accounts and made sure to use lengthy alphanumeric strong passwords.

Please never save your passwords in your browsers and use special characters while setting a password. Update your Google Password instantly if you accidently forgot to log out on any PC that may not belong to you. Never share your password with anyone during an online conversation and keep it as private as possible. Do not blind trust even people close to you. Wishing you a happy, healthy and safe life online. I can take a sigh of relief now. =)

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