What is Custom Blogger Domain and Blogger Subdomain?

custom domain bloggerIt is now important that you learn some basics in becoming a more established blogger in order to take your blogging career to the next level. People often use the free blog hosting service provided by Google blogger for 1-2 years and then they realize that they must change the irritating long Blogger subdomain into a professional looking custom domain. This week I will be focusing more on domain registration, DNS settings and the pros and cons of domain hosting. This post today gives brief knowledge of what exactly do people mean by custom and subdomains.

What is a Custom domain?

A domain is the web address of your blog or website. You are viewing this blog because you accessed it by typing the following URL in your browser,


A domain can end with any suffix such as  .com, .net or  .org etc.  Your Blog domain is your blog URL, the link that brings visitors and search engine robots to your blog.

What is a Sub Domain and Custom Domain?

Sub Domain:

A subdomain as the name itself says is a sub part of a domain. For example Google.com is the main domain for Google but since Google+ is a sub part of the services provided by Google then its web address takes the name plus.Google.com

Similar your free blogger blog is a service provided by Blogger and when you create a blog using their platform they attach their trademark in the form of a sub domain to your blog Name. If your blog title is named XYZ then it will appear like this,


If you are using a WordPress blog platform then it appears like the following,


Custom Domain:

A custom domain is your personally owned web URL that is your property and does not belongs to someone else or is a sub part of another service. When I purchased the MBT domain all my .blogspot.com were replaced with .com. This in other words means domain redirection. I just need to pay less than $10 per year for the domain hosting charges and that's all I pay from my pockets. All my files are stored for free at blogger.

Now the question is how to remove the .blogspot.com or .wordpress.com subdomain names from your blog and get a full fresh branded custom domain of your own? The answer is simple buy a domain from a good web hosting company. Read the next part of the tutorial to know why.

 Good News

UPDATE: Now you can buy a domain as low as $7.5 from Godaddy!  Read complete details on this post -> Blogger Domain Settings Simplified.

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