Google plus now allows you to download your data such as profile, hangouts, your circles, stream, photos, +1's, and Google+ pages to your desktop hard drive. Except Google+ you can also download your other Google product data such as bookmarks, mail, contacts, drive, blogger, YouTube, and much more. You can take a look what you can download by clicking here. Let us you have captured some photos from your phone, and uploaded to your Google+ account. Due to any reason, your mobile has lost or damaged, and you want to recover your family photos that matters to you. Don't worry; make a backup of your photos from Google+ to your desktop. Using Google+ account, you can secure your photos. You also have an option to backup some specific data too. For example, you can only backup your contacts or your circles too. You can also backup all the data with one click into your Google plus profile. Therefore, here is how to backup Google+ data to the system hard drive.