Basic guidelines and some points to remember while blogging.
Some basic and essential guidelines on blogging, if you make use of a service they have their particular terms and conditions for adding contents. You can�t just post anything, so always read the terms and conditions of any blogging site. If you don�t follow their set of rules, your blog will certainly get removed.
What are the DOs and DON�Ts of blogging?
First the DOs:
Some basic and essential guidelines on blogging, if you make use of a service they have their particular terms and conditions for adding contents. You can�t just post anything, so always read the terms and conditions of any blogging site. If you don�t follow their set of rules, your blog will certainly get removed.
What are the DOs and DON�Ts of blogging?
First the DOs:
- Do place images and multimedia sources to improve the content. Might be a vlog, photoblog, etc.
- Do base your posts with an excellent category structure to make it simple and easy to find content for a specific topic.
- Do build mutual channel of communication between you and your readers. Reply to queries without leaving your readers hanging for a response.
- Do make your content or article as simple as possible and easy to understand. Write like you are talking to a friend.
- Do respect and value your reader�s opinions. That�s the real meaning of being a blogger. Accept truths.
- Do update the blog regularly. If you make blogging a part of your life, add new content as often as possible.
Second the DON�Ts:
- Don�t go against your host�s legal limitations. Follow their terms and conditions.
- Don�t forget about the quality of your content. Be accurate with posting information.
- Don�t reproduce the works of others. They might take legal action against you for copying their work. Produce something unique and original.
- Don�t worry to advertise. It�s one technique to make your blog popular among the masses. Go to other websites and submit your blog address. It�s a matter of mutual sharing.
- Don�t attack individuals or fellow bloggers. Show respect. If you don�t agree with an opinion, inform it with caution.