If you want to get more clicks in your ads then there are some simple tricks for you. This tricks works. It increases my click at the rate of 2%. :) this is also somehow good for me.
I tried to make the link of the ads as similar as the other links in the blog. The other links in my blog are in the #B60606 color so i tried to make the link of the ads also in the same color.
I tried to make the link of the ads as similar as the other links in the blog. The other links in my blog are in the #B60606 color so i tried to make the link of the ads also in the same color.
I also have another trick for you. you have to follow the below instructions for that
1. Goto adsense.com and get a new ads code in the size 300 x 250 .
2. Copy the code and paste it in the HTML/Javascript in the Blogger.com ? Layout tab.
3. Now you have to alter a little thing in the code..
Just change the ads size 250 to 228 in the code given by the adsense.com
By this change in the code changes the ads like this :
It removes the Ads by Google sign. so the visitors click in the ads :)
This tricks sounds funny but it works.
Check it out :)