10 News Type free blogger templates. Blogger is a great platform for free users. Actually it defines the word blogging. I myself had used blogger for years and designed some templates as well. I have wrote articles on collection of blogspot template on magazine, photoblogs But today i am going to focus on collection of free to use news type blogger templates.
2. Simple News
Simple blogger style basic from minima, two header column, auto fixed & multi page column, auto readmore, multi navigation and easy setup....
3.Wire News
A combination of white and black color, giving a perfect look and structure of a professional news template by themecraft
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Zinmag Chronicle is a magazine style xml Blogger template designed well to show off each news columned in front. Generally this cool magazine theme for Blogger has Three Column layout, Black and red combination. You can use this template for any niche purpose.
5. The Latest
The Latest blogger template has magazine style with minipost at homepage. This template is converted from wordpress theme. Designed neat, clean and elegant for business or portfolio purpose. Built ads ready with automatic thumbnail and readmore.
6. Turn Out Mag
Turn Out Mag is originally a Wordpress theme by ChiQ Montes and is Bloggerized by BloggerTricks
7. Arthemia
A perfect combination of ellegance and professional look by themelib makes this template hot favourite among magazine and news style blogspot templates.

Woodstock Blogger Templates 2011
Flower Template Blogger Templates 2011
Minyx Blogger Templates 2011
Rockie Blogger Templates 2011
Vive La France Blogger Templates 2011
Smashing Template Blogger Templates 2011
Meta morphosis striped red Blogger Templates 2011
Solio Blogger Templates 2011
Monkeypr Blogger Templates 2011
8. Premium News
MagzStyle V1.1 Blogger Templates 2011
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