What�s the best way to find quality products and services to resell as an affiliate on my blog or website? Many affiliates new to internet marketing find it hard to find the right product to promote, and which merchants or vendors to go with.
Here are 5 tips on selecting great affiliate products to promote on Plimus:
1) Compare and Contrast. Go to the Plimus product catalog and search by keyword, product name, brand, or company name. Focus on a niche. Compare price, shipping policy, return policy, and shopping cart checkout pages. It is very important that you visit each checkout page to evaluate its overall usability. Most completed online purchases are made via purchase convenience, speed and ease-of-use, not price.
2. Focus, Focus, Focus. Selecting products to promote is one of the most difficult things when you decide to become an affiliate marketer. Most rookies tend to go with a shotgun approach and stretch themselves too thin by casting too wide a net. Focus on only a few niches.
Also, focus on building your own reliable web site. Too many affiliates focus on the products before really establishing good content on their sites and landing pages that will help with SEO and ultimately improve their sales.
3. Use Existing Resources. Plimus provides you with 3 links you can promote with:
- BuyNow Link � pushes directly to a shopping cart check out page
- Trial Link � initiates a download
- Product Information Link � pushes to product page or landing page
Firstly, look at the Product Information link if one is provided. Use this link if you want to direct an end user to a page with more information on the product or service. This will be your conversion page. Think you can do it better? Build your own killer purchase funnel and place the BuyNow and Trial links on that landing page.
4. Look For Special Offers. Featured offers can be found just beneath the search on the homepage of the product catalog. Look here for top performing titles in software, games, and SaaS. Plimus sends out fresh offers twice a week via email newsletter, Twitter, the offers area in the Plimus community site, and via the Plimus Affiliate toolbar.
The toolbar is Plimus affiliate power users and can be downloaded here. It�s contains shortcuts to the login page of your control panel, access to weekly affiliates offers, system updates, and quick links to the community, and this informative blog .
5. Do the math! Depending on the type of promotion you�ll be doing, ensure the commission is $20 or higher. (For example: paid search). Speedy ROI is crucial and spinning your wheels and will not make you any money as an affiliate marketer.
If you continually educate yourself on marketing and marketing techniques, keep on top of trends and product releases, as well as keeping a close eye on what your competitors and contemporaries are doing, YOU WILL MAKE MONEY as an affiliate marketer.