updated- White Clean Magazine template for bogger

White Clean Magazine template for bogger

White Clean Magazine template for bogger. Designed simple, clean, and of course ads ready. 3 columns layout maximize your advertisement place.

White Clean Magazine template for bogger

White Clean Magazine template for bogger. Designed simple, clean, and of course ads ready. 3 columns layout maximize your advertisement place.

templates and widgets
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templates and widgets

Installation Setting
Please, read all installation setting before ask.
White Clean Magazine Layout

Header Title Setting
You can change header text to image
  • Click edit, on header left gadget
  • Upload your own image
  • Choose "instead of text"
  • Save
Header Right
You can put your 468x15 banner ads here. Click on HTML gadget, paste your code

Navigation Menu
This navigation menu using Label gadget. Edit Label gadget, leave title empty and remove tick mark on Show number of posts per label. Navigation menu filled by post label/category automatically . You can customize which label that shown up.
You also can use LinkList gadget instead of Label Gadget, so you can put your own link.
How to?
  • Open Page Element
  • Delete Label gadget on navigation menu layout
  • Add LinkList gadget (you can use Add a Gadget from sidebar) drag new LinkList gadget to Navigation Menu Layout. Drag it under date
  • Save
Click on Search Gadget, copy paste these code, then save.

<div id="search"> <form id="searchform" action="/search" method="get"> <input id="s" value="" name="q" type="text"/> <input id="searchsubmit" value="Search" type="submit"/> </form>

Dont want to use search menu? Simply click remove button and you can use default search blogger gadget, or adsense for search

125x125 Ads Banner
Click on ads banner gadget, copy paste these code

<div id="adspot">
<!-- Ad1 start -->
<a class="ad1" href="http://yourURL.com"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh2nCmkOQRe2tHWf5Z7ze2KT1YmKfokqh_41ctmYrLx0xpGyiwkyXYNu9xuVOZE5eVThfkAJWQ8o7kxLgzVGtYgZEPX0mT6QVAuVoSASS6HZCxQObz5dfmnX0urR2BCapWhXkSNxupLIciS/s1600/themeforest.jpg"/></a>
<!-- Ad2 start -->
<a class="ad2" href="http://yourURL.com"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh2nCmkOQRe2tHWf5Z7ze2KT1YmKfokqh_41ctmYrLx0xpGyiwkyXYNu9xuVOZE5eVThfkAJWQ8o7kxLgzVGtYgZEPX0mT6QVAuVoSASS6HZCxQObz5dfmnX0urR2BCapWhXkSNxupLIciS/s1600/themeforest.jpg"/></a>
<!-- Ad3 start -->
<a class="ad3" href="http://yourURL.com"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh2nCmkOQRe2tHWf5Z7ze2KT1YmKfokqh_41ctmYrLx0xpGyiwkyXYNu9xuVOZE5eVThfkAJWQ8o7kxLgzVGtYgZEPX0mT6QVAuVoSASS6HZCxQObz5dfmnX0urR2BCapWhXkSNxupLIciS/s1600/themeforest.jpg"/></a>
<!-- Ad4 start -->
<a class="ad4" href="http://yourURL.com"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh2nCmkOQRe2tHWf5Z7ze2KT1YmKfokqh_41ctmYrLx0xpGyiwkyXYNu9xuVOZE5eVThfkAJWQ8o7kxLgzVGtYgZEPX0mT6QVAuVoSASS6HZCxQObz5dfmnX0urR2BCapWhXkSNxupLIciS/s1600/themeforest.jpg"/></a>
<div class="clearer">

Change http://yourURL.com to your URL, and http://yourURL.com"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh2nCmkOQRe2tHWf5Z7ze2KT1YmKfokqh_41ctmYrLx0xpGyiwkyXYNu9xuVOZE5eVThfkAJWQ8o7kxLgzVGtYgZEPX0mT6QVAuVoSASS6HZCxQObz5dfmnX0urR2BCapWhXkSNxupLIciS/s1600/themeforest.jpg to your image URL

Share Gadget
Click on Share gadget, copy paste these code

<div class="sexy-bookmarks">
<ul class="socials">
<li class="sexy-delicious"><a href="http://del.icio.us/post?url=http://www.yourURL.com/" target="_blank"/></a></li>

<li class="sexy-digg"><a href="http://digg.com/submit?url=http://www.yourURL.com/" target="_blank"/></a></li>

<li class="sexy-facebook"><a href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http://www.yourURL.com" target="_blank"/></a></li>

<li class="sexy-twitter"><a href="http://twitter.com/bietemplates" target="_blank"/></a></li>

<li class="sexy-syndicate"><a href="http://feeds2.feedburner.com/YOUR-FEEDBURNER-ID" title="Subscribe to RSS"/></a></li>

<span class="sexy-rightside"/></span></div>

Dont forget to your URL

You also can add your ads below main blog section.

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