Facebook is the largest social networking site with more than 400 million active users and is growing larger every day! Make sure to use these Facebook widgets to connect with your large Facebook audience through your blog or website. You can use these tools to easily share certain profile information, websites, blogs, and businesses with the Facebook community.
Personal Profile Widgets
Profile Badge
Create a Facebook profile badge to share selected profile information on your website. A profile badge will allow your users to easily connect with you and add you as a friend.
Photo Badge
This photo badge allows you to share your Facebook photos on websites and blogs. Choose from a vertical, horizontal, or two-column layout and also choose the number of photos to be displayed.
Fan Badge
Display your Facebook fan pages for all to see.
Website or Business Widgets
Share Button
A powerful facebook widget which allows your visitors to share your content on Facebook!
Fan Box
Lets your users easily become a fan of your site and also allows them to view your Facebook page stream.
Page Badge
Lets you share your Facebook page (one that you have created) information on your website.
Twitter Link
Connect your Facebook page with Twitter. Whenever you update your Facebook fan page your twitter followers will be updated as well with a tweet.
Developers Widgets
Publishing to Facebook
This allows your users to publish their content and activity to Facebook.
Comments Box
Lets your users comment on your website content with their Facebook account.
Live Stream
Lets Facebook users to post and share content in real-time.
so how is this facebook widgets ?you like it?any problem while using it.?feel free to comment below.