A chat room is a great way to get your readers more involved in your blog. If you think about it, your visitors may end up spending the night chatting with other visitors. Now that's a great thought... The answer is Yaplet, which adds a chat room to every site on the internet!
For Example, here is the templates-widgets� Chat Room . All you need to do is create a visible link or button to your site's chat room just like I have done above. Go to Yaplet.com to find your blog's chat room.
- You can also create a pop-up version
- If you go to yaplet's website, you will find some nice buttons which can be placed on your blog.
- Chat with friends
- Make new friends
- Build new communities
- Collaborate on group work
- Telepresent
- Provide customer service
- Offer real-time support
- Educate over distance
- Play games
- Read/write reviews
- and more...