Get Backlinks To Your Blog - Try These 4 Tips

Once you start your own Internet marketing business you will quickly learn that traffic is king. You have to let people know that you are open for business. People can only find your blog when you have a link pointing back to it.

In this article we will talk about the five best ways to get back links pointing back to your blog.

1. Start a pay per click advertising campaign. Google Adwords is still the strongest pay per click advertising search engine in the world today. You can advertise with many others as well. is one website that contains hundreds of companies where you can advertise your website by bidding on keywords.

There are many things that go into creating a good ppc campaign. It will be important that you do not jump in with both feet until you have taken the time to learn the basics. Because it is still the fastest way to drive targeted traffic to any blog or website we list it number one.

2. Submit your blog post articles to social directories. One quick way to do that is to join They conveniently contained over 20 social directories that you can bookmark your posts too. You will also want to consider joining others such as Stumbleupon, Digg, Propeller and any relevant ones that relate to the theme of your blog.

Every time you post in your blog you should bookmark that post to all of the social directories. This creates links back to each individual post giving you potential traffic.

3. Article marketing is still a fantastic way to create traffic and back links to your website. You should learn everything you can about this excellent marketing strategy. The bottom line is crafting a well-written resource box that contains a link back to your website is one way to get people who read your articles to visit your site.

Also when you hyperlink a keyword in your resource box search engines find it and come to your website as well. You begin to develop keyword relevancy over time by writing and submitting this with the resource box as many times as possible.

4. One great way to create back links is Posting comments in other people's blogs. Every time you post you are able to include your name and your website address in some comments. Try to include your primary keyword in the name if you can.

This is four of the best ways to get back links to your blog. There are countless other ways and you may be comfortable with some of them. Regardless of how you do it the key is to get thousands of back links to your blog creating potential traffic for you and your business.

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